Sorting of ballots at Syrian Consulate in cities of Sydney and Melbourne start

Capitals, Honorary Consul of Syria in Sydney, Dr.Maher Dabbagh said on Thursday that sorting ballots at the Syrian Consulate in the cities of Sydney and Melbourne started following the closure of the ballot boxes at the local time.

After successful completion of the electoral process, ballot boxes at the Syrian Embassy in China close

Beijing, SANA- Meanwhile, Syrian ambassador in Beijing, Dr. Imad Moustapha, announced the closing of the ballot boxes for the presidential elections for Syrians residing in China at the embassy, after the end of the voting process, according to Beijing’s local time.

Moustapha said in a statement to SANA, at “7:00 p.m at Beijing time, the ballot boxes were officially closed.”

He pointed out that hundreds of Syrian citizens residing in various Chinese cities came to cast their votes and participate in this entitlement.

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

Syrians abroad participate in presidential elections with the opening of ballot boxes

Capitals, Syrians abroad started to cast their votes in the presidential elections with the opening of the ballot boxes at the Syrian embassies and consulates in many countries across the world.

Syrians residing in Cuba, Venezuela, Brazil and Argentina started to cast their votes in the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic.

In Madrid, the Syrian Embassy opened ballot boxes for Syrians residing in Spain to cast their votes in the Presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Charge d’ affaires of the Syrian Embassy in Spain Samir al-Kassir said that the Syrian Embassy opened its door for the Syrians at 07:00 o’clock local time and welcomed them as they casted their votes in the presidential elections to practice their electoral right .

The Syrians in Spain expressed their solidarity and support to their homeland, al-Kassir added.

The Syrians residing in Belarus and Cypress started to cast their votes in the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Syria’s Ambassador in Belarus Mohammad al-Omrani said in a statement that the voting process in the Syrian Embassy in Minsk started for the Syrians residing in Belarus and the neighboring countries.

Al-Omrani added that the voting will last till 07:00 p.m. local time.

Syrians residing in Iran casted their votes in the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic as the Syrian Embassy in Tehran opened the ballot boxes at 07:00 o’clock local time.

Syria’s ambassador to Iran Shafiq Dayoub told SANA reporter in a statement that the day of the election is an opportunity for Syria and the Syrians, pointing out to the big efforts exerted in adopting the appropriate and needed procedures to facilitate the elections process for the Syrian citizens smoothly and transparently.

In Moscow, the Syrians residing in Federal Russia and the students started to cast their votes in the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic in the Syrian Embassy in Moscow which opened its doors at 07:00 o’clock a.m. local times.

In Sudan, the Syrian Embassy in Khartoum opened the ballot boxes for the Syria’s residing in Sudan to participate in the presidential elections.

In Prague, the Syria’s residing in the Czech Republic started to cast their votes in the Syrian Embassy in Prague at 07:00 o’clock local time.

Acting Charge d’ affaires of the Syrian Embassy in Prague Amira Qarawani told SANA reporter in a statement that the election process is being held smoothly and transparently.

In the French Capital of Paris, the Syrian Embassy opened its doors for the Syrians residing in France to cast their votes in the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab Republic.

In Egypt, the Syrian Embassy in Cairo opened its doors for the Syrians to cast their votes in the presidential elections.

In the Austrian capital city of Vienna, the Syrian Embassy opened the ballot boxes for the Syrians residing in Austria to cast their votes in the Presidential elections.

The Syrian Ambassador in Vienna Hassan Khaddour said that the election process started at 07:00 o’clock at the Syrian Embassy headquarters in Vienna, indicating that all measures and procedures for the elections have been adopted.

In Hungary, the Syrians residing there headed to Austria to cast their votes in the presidential elections at the Syrian Embassy’s headquarters in Vienna.

In Serbia, the voting process started at 07:00 o’clock local time at the Syrian Embassy in Belgrade as the Syrians residing in Serbia started to cast their votes or the presidential elections.

In Jordan, the Syrian Embassy in Amman opened the ballot boxes for the Syrians residing in Jordan to cast their votes in the Presidential elections.

In Baghdad, the Syrian Embassy opened the ballot boxes for the Syrians residing in Iraq to cast their votes in the presidential elections.

Syria’s Ambassador in Baghdad Sattam Jadaan Al-Dandah told SANA reporter in Baghdad that the wide participation of the Syrians in the presidential elections send a message to the world that the Syrian citizens are keen on emphasizing their belonging to their homeland, practice his constitutional right in the framework of maintaining the national will and the independent national decision.

The Syrian Embassy in Algiers opened the ballot boxes for the Syrians residing in Algeria to cast their votes in the presidential elections of the Syrian Arab republic.

The Syrian Embassy in Sweden opened the ballot boxes for the Syrians residing in Sweden to cast their votes in the presidential elections.

Charge d’ affaires of the Syrian Embassy in Stockholm Tamim Malko said in a statement that all necessary measures and facilitations to hold the presidential elections in best way have been taken, particularly the measures adopted to address the coronavirus.

Syrians residing in Belgium started to cast their votes in the presidential elections after the Syrian Embassy in Brussels opened the ballot boxes for the elections of the presidency of the Syrian Arab Republic.

Syrians residing in Armenia cast their votes in the presidential elections at the headquarters of the Syrian embassy in the capital city of Yerevan.

Syria’s ambassador in Armenia Mohammad Haj Ibrahim said in a statement that the election process started at 07;00 o’clock local time, asserting that the Syrian people proved through their participation in the presidential elections that only the Syrian people who have the right to determine the future of their country and that any pressures can’t dissuade them from expressing their will

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

Al-Jaafari: Holding presidential elections as scheduled a message to enemies of Syria that it won’t yield to any blackmail

Damascus, Deputy Foreign and Expatriates Minister, Bashar al-Jaafari said that the presidential elections entitlement is a sovereign Syrian affair, and no country has the right to interfere in it, stressing that holding elections as scheduled is a clear message to enemies of Syria that it will not yield to any pressure or blackmail.

Al-Jaafari, in an interview with the Iranian Tasnim News Agency, added that attempts of enemies to disrupt the presidential elections will not be able to undermine Syria’s independent decision and will not affect the faith and determination of its people in exercising their constitutional right and their national duty.

Al-Jaafari hailed support offered by friends of Syria to the country in its war on terrorism over the past ten years.

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

Sorting of ballots for Syrian voters to presidential elections start after closing boxes in many countries

Capitals, Ballot boxes at the Syrian embassies in Iraq, Oman, United Arab Emirates, Iran, Armenia, Cyprus, India, Pakistan and France closed according to the local time of each country.

Meanwhile, the ballot boxes were closed at the Syrian embassies in the Czech Republic and Cuba according to the local time of these countries, and sorting of the ballots of Syrian voters began.

Sorting of ballots for Syrian voters to the presidential elections have started.

Earlier, sorting of ballots in each of Australia, Japan, Indonesia, Democratic Korea and Malaysia have begun after the closing the ballot boxes at Syrian embassies and consulates according to local time of these countries.

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

Syria condemns German government’s decision to ban Syrian citizens from their constitutional right to participate in presidential elections

Damascus, Syria strongly condemned German government’s decision to ban Syrian citizens residing in Germany from their constitutional right to participate in the presidential elections.

An Official source at Foreign and Expatriates Ministry said in a statement to SANA on Thursday that the unjust decision of the German government constitutes a blatant violation of the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations and a breach of the obligations that this agreement put on the host country.

The source added that the decision forms a flagrant assault on the rights and freedom of Syrians and a desperate attempt to confiscate their decision to participate in that important national entitlement and it uncovers the falsity of democracy of which the German government boasts , and reveals its destructive role in the unjust war on Syria.

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

Ambassador Abdul-Karim: attack of a number of Lebanese people on Syrian citizens regrettable

Beirut, The Syrian ambassador to Lebanon, Ali Abdul- Karim, expressed Syria’s regret after a number of Lebanese people had attacked buses carrying Syrian citizens to the embassy in Beirut to participate in the presidential elections.

Abdul-Karim, at a press conference, called on Lebanese competent authorities to hunt and punish those who perpetrated the assault as this harms the image of Lebanon.

“It is regrettable and unjustifiable what has happened by a number of Lebanese persons who attacked Syrians who were heading for the Embassy to practice their duty,” ambassador Abdul-Karim said.

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

Foreign Ministry: Extending Presidential elections at Syrian embassies until 12 midnight

Damascus, Foreign and Expatriates Ministry announced that in coordination with the Higher Judicial Committee for Elections, presidential elections were extended at embassies of Syrian Arab Republic until 12 midnight to enable Syrian citizens abroad to exercise their right to this important national entitlement.

The ministry told SANA in a statement on Thursday that the step came in coordination with the Higher Judicial Committee for Elections due to the massive turnout of citizens wishing to perform their national duty in the elections.

Source: Syria Arab News Agency

KSrelief Signs Agreement to Prepare Educational Laboratories at University of Aden’s Medicine Faculty

Riyadh, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) signed an agreement to prepare educational laboratories at the University of Aden’s Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences to benefit 2,315 individuals. The agreement was signed by KSrelief’s Assistant General Supervisor for Operations and Programs Ahmed bin Ali Al-Beez.

The agreement aims at contributing to improving the quality of educational programs for health laboratories at the University of Aden’s Faculty of Medicine through preparing the educational building of the laboratory department and the anatomical museum department, and providing them with basic educational supplies, such as student desks, educational devices, computers and fire extinguishers, in addition to providing 165 modern educational tools for more than 2,000 beneficiaries of students and faculty members to support their educational journeys and training while studying and continuous development.

The agreement guarantees increasing the scientific, vocational and skills efficiency of students at medical and clinical specializations before embarking on practicing their jobs, supporting the continuity of educational journeys for students who joined the bachelor’s, master’s and PhD degrees at health faculties and faculty members at the university within an appropriate and attractive educational environment, and raising the quality level of educational programs offered at the faculty and medical sciences at the university while ensuring the highest safety and security standards.

This agreement comes as part of the efforts of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by KSrelief, to overcome difficulties facing the educational process at public educational institutions in Yemen.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Health Ministry Reports 1,330 New Confirmed COVID-19 Cases, in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, The Ministry of Health announced, in a statement here today, that 1,330 new confirmed cases of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) have been reported in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, bringing the total number to 437,569, including 8,629 active cases undergoing treatment.

Of these, there are 1,365 critical cases, while the health condition of the rest is stable, said the statement.

It added that 13 new deaths have been reported, putting the tally of fatalities at 7,214.

Meanwhile, as many as 1,055 cases have recovered, raising recoveries’ toll to 421,726 according to the statement.

On the other hand, 93,896 new laboratory tests were conducted, in the last 24-hour, across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, official statistics reported.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

‫جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد تسعى إلى تعليم شباب اليوم ليصبحوا قادة الغد كمواطنين أكفاء عالميًا

الخبر، المملكة العربية السعودية, 19 مايو / أيار 2021 /PRNewswire/ —

على مدار القرن الماضي، أصبح عالمنا الواسع أصغر بشكل متزايد من نواحٍ معينة. ومع ظهور رحلات الطيران التجارية، أصبحت كل مدينة رئيسية عبر الكوكب على بعد يوم واحد من بعضها البعض. وأصبح بإمكان الأشخاص الذين لم يعتادوا على أي نوع من التفاعل وتفصلهم قارات عن بعضهم البعض، التواصل على الفور، وذلك بفضل الهواتف في المقام الأول، ولكن الآن أصبح ذلك ممكنًا بشكل أكثر عمقًا عبر الوصول غير المحدود للإنترنت

Global Competencies in Higher Education

  ومع تحول كوكب الأرض واختزاله في ما هو في جوهره قرية الأرض، أصبح من المهم بشكل متزايد لشباب اليوم – قادة الغد – أن يكونوا على دراية وفهم بالعالم الأوسع وبترابطنا كمواطنين عالميين.

لتمكين الشباب من النجاح بهذه الطريقة في جميع أنحاء العالم ومع التركيز بشكل خاص على منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا ، أسست جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد (PMU) نفسها كمركز لتنمية المواطنين العالميين. تقود جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد عملية إنشاء برامج واستراتيجيات فعالة لتدريس الكفاءات العالمية التي تشمل المعرفة والمهارات والسمات المطلوبة من قادة الغد.

تعد هذه المبادرة جزءًا من غرس ثقافة التعلم مدى الحياة، وتمكين الشباب من اكتساب الكفاءات العالمية وتطويرها وامتلاكها وبناءها واكتسابها. يمكن لهذه الكفاءات، بدورها، أن تساعد في حل المشكلات الاجتماعية والأكاديمية والمهنية التي سيواجهها جميع الناس على وجه الأرض بطريقة أو بأخرى في العقود القادمة.

“ال الدكتور عيسى الأنصاري، رئيس جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد: “تعتزم جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد تزويد الشباب بفرص وافرة لتطوير وإثبات الكفاءات التي تعدهم ليكونوا مواطنين أكفاء عالميًا ومتلقين للتعلم مدى الحياة”. “نحن نسعى جاهدين لمنح الشباب في منطقة الشرق الأوسط وشمال إفريقيا وحول العالم أفضل الأساليب المتاحة.”

تم تحديد إجمالي عشر كفاءات عالمية وتحليلها وتطويرها من قبل جامعة الأمير محمد بن فهد للتدريس للأفراد المهتمين والمتحمسين الذين يرغبون في المساعدة في إحداث تغيير إيجابي. هذه الكفاءات هي كالتالي: التفكير النقدي، وحل المشكلات، والإبداع، والتنسيق مع الآخرين، وإدارة الأفراد، الحكم واتخاذ القرارات وتوجيه الخدمة والذكاء العاطفي، والتفاوض، والمرونة المعرفية. هذا البرنامج هو جزء من الخدمات المجتمعية بما يتماشى مع أهداف التنمية المستدامة للأمم المتحدة (SDGs).

قال الدكتور الأنصاري: “من خلال معالجة كل من هذه الكفاءات من خلال التعليم والتدريب ، يمكننا المساعدة في تكوين أشخاص ذوي عقلية عالمية وذوي كفاءة عالية”.

إجمالًا، لا ينتهي التعلم أبدًا ولا توجد حدود للفهم والمعرفة التي يمكن تحقيقها من قبل المواطنين العالميين الساعين إلى التقدم.

شعار –

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للتواصل: انطكيت اس بوهسال, (+966 13) 849 9346 –



iHerb Celebrates the Success of Its Apps with a 20% Off Promotion

PASADENA, Calif., May 19, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — The results are in the ratings! To celebrate the massive success of its apps, iHerb is celebrating with a 20% off promotion. For the month of May, a one-time use 20% discount will be applied to any purchase made on the iHerb app with the promo code SHOPAPP.

First developed as a response to the global customer demands for more convenient shopping on the go, the app was launched in 2013. The easy-to-use iHerb app has become customers’ preferred shopping device, making it simple for them to find everything they need while on the go. It has consistently maintained high ratings and reviews with 67,000+ ratings and a 4.7 star review on iOS, and 166,000+ ratings and a 4.8 star review on Android.

“Our customers are continuing to engage more on our Mobile Apps. iHerb saw an 63% increase in mobile in 2020, even during a stay-at-home across the world. This strong growth represents the positive response from customers to the improvements we’ve made in our App. We are making it easier to discover and find the right products, browse authentic customer reviews, and purchase with a new simplified checkout experience in our App. This is combined with our continued investments to improve overall speed, localization, and offer a more personalized shopping experience for customers around the world,” says BT Bitarafan, CTO at iHerb.

More recently, the iHerb team has worked diligently to redesign the user experience through fine-tuning the search and discovery experience, and the user cart and checkout flow. And thanks to improvements made to performance, the app is now a 99% crash-free experience. As iHerb delivers to customers in 150 countries, shipping options and localized payment were improved upon, including the integration of Global Air Locker and Pony Express for deliveries in Russia, and a smoother transaction experience with Alipay and Apple Pay. Notifications were enhanced to include features such as refill reminders and ‘back in stock’ notifications.

Download the iHerb app for iOS here.

Download the iHerb app for Android here.

About iHerb: iHerb is one of the largest U.S.-based e-commerce retailers offering 30,000 products from 1,200 top brands to millions of customers around the world. iHerb ships directly from GMP-certified, state-of-the-art climate-controlled warehouses to customers in 188 countries and territories. Since 1996, iHerb has continued to innovate in bringing the highest quality products, at the best possible value, delivered with the most convenient customer experience.

Video –

Zoom Announces Zoom Events Platform for Virtual Experiences

An All-in-One Platform for Producing and Monetizing Interactive Virtual Events and Conferences

SAN JOSE, Calif., May 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Zoom Video Communications, Inc. (NASDAQ: ZM) today announced Zoom Events, an all-in-one platform with the power to produce interactive and engaging virtual experiences, available this summer. Zoom Events combines the reliability and scalability of Zoom Meetings, Chat, and Video Webinars in one comprehensive solution for event organizers, with the ability to produce ticketed, live events for internal or external audiences of any size.

Zoom Events offers something for a variety of use cases – from enabling large businesses to seamlessly manage and host internal events like all-hands and sales summits and external events like user conferences, to smaller businesses and entrepreneurs who have been using OnZoom to create, host, and monetize events including fitness and cooking classes, theatrical presentations, and more. As part of the launch of Zoom Events, OnZoom, currently in Beta, will be rebranded and folded into Zoom Events, and can be either private, or searched and explored publicly.

Zoom’s recent global study, How Virtual Do We Want Our Future to Be?, surveyed people worldwide on the role of video communications in our daily lives as we look beyond the pandemic. In the US, 80 percent of respondents agreed that everything will continue to have a virtual element post-pandemic, with 52 percent of US respondents planning to enjoy events both in-person and virtually, reinforcing the need for an all-in-one solution that will create seamless hybrid/virtual event experiences.

Zoom Events Platform Benefits:

  • Build an event hub to easily manage and share events
  • Customizable ticketing and registration
  • Control access and billing from one portal
  • Host a variety of events – free or paid, one-time or series
  • Bring attendees together with integrated networking
  • Track event statistics like attendance, registration, revenue, and more
  • Events can be kept private or posted to our public directory for others to discover
  • Zoom Events can be used with an existing paid Zoom Meetings or Video Webinar license

“It’s an exciting time to be at Zoom where the pace of innovation continues to accelerate,” said Oded Gal, chief product officer at Zoom. “We know that people are looking for flexibility in how they attend events in the future. The hybrid model is here to stay, and Zoom Events is a perfect solution for our customers who are looking to produce and host customer, company, and public events with an easy, yet powerful solution. This is another way we’re helping customers scale to meet consumer demands and the evolving virtual and hybrid landscape.”

To learn more about Zoom Events, please visit Zoom Events website and read our recent blog.

About Zoom
Zoom is for you. We help you express ideas, connect to others, and build toward a future limited only by your imagination. Our frictionless communications platform is the only one that started with video as its foundation, and we have set the standard for innovation ever since. That is why we are an intuitive, scalable, and secure choice for individuals, small businesses, and large enterprises alike. Founded in 2011, Zoom is publicly traded (NASDAQ:ZM) and headquartered in San Jose, California. Visit and follow @zoom.

Zoom Public Relations
Farshad Hashmatulla
Product PR Manager