‫دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبو ظبي تعزز إنعاش السياحة بمساعدة حل التسويق التعاوني من سوجيرن

تجاوزت دائرة الثقافة والسياحة أو ظبي بنجاح تحديات كوفيد-19 لمساعدة الفنادق في الإمارة على الحصول على الحجوزات المحلية المباشرة 

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة، 21 حزيران/يونيو 2021 / PRNewswire/ — أعلنت شركة سوجيرن (Sojern)، المزود الرائد لحلول التسويق الرقمي للسفر، اليوم عن تمديد شراكتها مع دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي لزيادة الطلب على المسافرين إلى الإمارة باستخدام  برنامجها للتسويق التعاوني. بعد تجربة ناجحة لبرنامج التسويق المشترك، الذي وصل إلى أكثر من 3 ملايين شخص حتى الآن، تمكنت فنادق أبوظبي من زيادة الحجوزات المباشرة من خلال حملة إعلانية رقمية عالية الاستهداف وشبكات التواصل الاجتماعي.

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تأثرت صناعة الضيافة بشكل كبير بوباء كورونا، لكن دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي عملت عن كثب مع حكومة الإمارات لإطلاق سلسلة من المبادرات التحفيزية لدعم تعافي صناعة السياحة.

“كنا نبحث عن طرق لدعم صناعة الضيافة وتجاوز التحديات الاقتصادية التي يفرضها الوباء، وتساعدنا الشراكة مع سوجيرن على القيام بذلك، من خلال دعم الفنادق في أبوظبي لدفع الحجوزات المباشرة وتحسين ربحية الغرف”، قال سعادة علي حسن الشيبة، المدير التنفيذي للسياحة والتسويق في دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي. “تلتزم دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي بالجهود التعاونية بين القطاعين العام والخاص في صناعة السياحة المحلية لدعم ودفع نمو السياحة باستمرار إلى العاصمة.  تتماشى جهودنا مع الأهداف والرؤيا الاستراتيجية الشاملة – لدعم تطور أبوظبي لتصبح وجهة عالمية المستوى، مع تعزيز مكانة العاصمة كوجهة سياحية مستقبلية التطلع.”

تم تصميم  برنامج التسويق التعاوني لمساعدة مؤسسات تسويق الوجهة وشركائها على زيادة فعالية مبادراتهم التسويقية من خلال التعاون، وزيادة الإيرادات لصناعة السفر، على نطاق واسع.

“كانت الفنادق في أبوظبي تتطلع إلى تحسين أحجام الحجز المباشر لديها وتقليل العمولة من وكالات السفر عبر الإنترنت خلال هذه الأوقات الصعبة”، كما قال ستيوارت سميث، المدير الإداري لمنطقة الشرق الأوسط وإفريقيا في سوجيرن. “وعلى هذا النحو، يسعدنا العمل مع  دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبو ظبي، وشركاء الفنادق،  وسبارك فاوندريلتصميم وبناء وتقديم حملات ناجحة.

يعتبر البرنامج التجريبي للربع الأول من العام معدائرة الثقافة والسياحة أبو ظبي  مثالًا رئيسيًا لمؤسسات إدارة الوجهات السياحية والمنظمات الشريكة التي تجمع الموارد للوصول مباشرة إلى العملاء من خلال استراتيجيات الإعلان الرقمي متعدد القنوات عبر الفيديو والعرض والمواقع الأصلية وفيسبوك وإنستغرام.

نظرًا لنجاحها، قامت دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي بتوسيع نطاق شراكتها مع سوجيرن حتى نهاية العام 2021 بما في ذلك إطلاق المبادرة لجميع الفنادق المؤهلة في المدينة.  ستدعم هذه المرحلة الثانية الفنادق في جميع أنحاء أبوظبي وتهدف إلى جذب حجوزات مباشرة متزايدة من كل من السياح المحليين  والدوليين لبقية العام 2021.

حول سوجيرن

سوجيرن هي منصة تسويق رقمية رائدة تم تصميمها لمسوقي السفر. وإذ هي مدعومة بالذكاء الاصطماعي وبيانات نوايا السفر، توفر سوجيرن حلول التسويق متعدد القنوات من أجل جذب الطلب المباشر. ويعتمد أكثر من 10000 فندق وموقع سياحي ومجلس سياحة ومُسوِّق للسفر على سوجيرن لإشراك وتحويل المسافرين حول العالم.

لمحة حول دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي :

تتولى دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي قيادة النمو المستدام لقطاعي الثقافة والسياحة في الإمارة، كما تغذي

تقدم العاصمة الاقتصادي، وتساعدها على تحقيق طموحاتها وريادتها عالمياً بشكل أوسع. ومن خلال التعاون

مع المؤسسات التي ترسخ مكانة أبوظبي كوجهة أولى رائدة؛ تسعى الدائرة لتوحيد منظومة العمل في القطاع

حول رؤية مشتركة لإمكانات الإمارة، وتنسيق الجهود وفرص الاستثمار، وتقديم حلول مبتكرة، وتوظيف

أفضل الأدوات والسياسات والأنظمة لدعم قطاعي الثقافة والسياحة .

وتتمحور رؤية دائرة الثقافة والسياحة – أبوظبي حول تراث الإمارة، ومجتمعها، ومعالمها الطبيعية. وهي

تعمل على ترسيخ مكانة الإمارة كوجهة للأصالة والابتكار والتجارب المتميزة متمثلة بتقاليد الضيافة الحية ،

والمبادرات الرائدة، والفكر الإبداعي

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‫تمت ترقية يوم خدمة أوبو في يونيو وإطلاق “الخطة الملهمة”

شنتشن، الصين, 21 يونيو / حزيران 2021 / وكالة أنباء PR / – من 10 إلى 12 يونيو، أطلقت فريق دعم أوبو “الخطة الملهمة” وقامت بترقية يوم الخدمة في 23 منطقة حول العالم، بما في ذلك إندونيسيا وماليزيا والفلبين وباكستان ومصر، والإمارات العربية المتحدة، إلخ. من الجدير بالذكر أن حدث يوم خدمة أوبو، الذي يُعقد في العاشر من كل شهر، يمتد إلى ثلاثة أيام اعتبارًا من يونيو الحالي. (في أوقات العطلات المحلية، سيتم تأجيل الحدث إلى اليوم الأول بعد العطلة.)  علاوة على ذلك، أعدت أوبو خصومات حصرية بنسبة 10-30٪ على الشاشات، والبطارية، وتحديث الغطاء الخلفي للموديلات المخصصة، بالإضافة إلى 10٪ خصم على شراء الإكسسوارات. كما أتاحت أيضًا المزيد من الخدمات المفاجئة مثل المانيكير والماكياج في مركز الخدمة في يونيو. علاوة على ذلك، بالنسبة للمستخدمين الذين يعيشون بعيدًا عن مراكز الخدمة المحلية، تم توفير أكشاك خارجية لهم للاستمتاع بالحدث أيضًا.

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منذ انطلاق فعالية يوم خدمة أوبو في أكتوبر من العام الماضي، فقد غطت الفعالية أكثر من 300 مركز خدمة خاص بـ أوبو في 23 دولة ومنطقة حتى الآن.  “الخطة الملهمة” هو أحد الأفكار الأساسية لأوبو لتطوير خدمة العملاء. لطالما أيقنت أوبو أن خدمة ما بعد البيع الجيدة لا تتعلق فقط بالإصلاح. بدلاً من ذلك، يجب أن تكون هذه العملية موجهة لمساعدة المستخدمين على اكتساب الإلهام بشأن الاستخدام اليومي للهواتف الذكية وصيانتها.  علاوة على ذلك، تضع أوبو تجربة المستخدم كأولوية قصوى وتحسن الخدمات وفقًا لتعليقات المستخدمين، وهي أيضًا عملية ملهمة لأوبو لتزدهر. الخطة المُلهمة، هي حدث يوم خدمة تمت ترقيته في يونيو بناءً على مفهوم الإلهام. ستستمر أوبو في تقديم أحداث خدمة مواتية للمستخدمين من العاشر إلى الثاني عشر من كل شهر مع اتباع الفكرة الأساسية “Care & Reach“.

بينما تستمر أوبو في تقديم خدمة أفضل خلال هذا الوباء، فإنها تود أن يطمئن العملاء إلى أن أوبو هي علامة تجارية تهتم بسلامة العملاء وتضعها في مقدمة أولوياتها. تتبع مراكز خدمة أوبو بدقة الإرشادات الموضوعة وفقًا لمتطلبات الحكومة. يُطلب من جميع موظفي أوبو في مراكز الخدمة ارتداء قناع للوجه، والتحقق من درجة حرارة أجسامهم، وتنظيف المتجر وتعقيمه يوميًا، وتوفير معقمات اليد للعملاء..

إذا كنت مهتمًا بمزايا الخدمة المحددة في يوم خدمة أوبو، فلا تتردد في سؤال فريق متخصصو الخدمة المحلية. نرحب بكم في الاستمتاع بيوم خدمة أوبو.

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Father’s Day: Xi takes father as role model in life, work, governance

BEIJING, June 20, 2021 /PRNewswire/ — A good example is the best sermon. For Chinese President Xi Jinping, words and deeds from his father Xi Zhongxun are a great family heirloom that runs deep in Xi’s outlook on life, work and governance, inspiring him to solemnly honor his duties towards the nation and the people.

Over the years, Xi Zhongxun taught his son three important lessons: maintain close ties with the people; attach importance to investigation and research; and practice thrift and hard work.


Xi Jinping has vividly interpreted what is maintaining close ties with the people.

During one summer, Xi Zhongxun visited 21 counties in the scorching heat to familiarize himself with the local situation. Xi Jinping, then a student in Tsinghua University, went to the province with his father to take part in social practice activities. He was influenced by his father’s down-to-earth working approach.

On Nov 3, 2020, the proposal for formulating the 14th Five-Year Plan was published. To this end, Xi Jinping successively went to Jilin and other places for investigation, and presided over seven symposiums. He said “without investigation, there will be no right to speak, let alone decision-making.”

What else Xi Jinping learned from his father is thrift and hard work.

Xi Zhongxun (C) visits rural Huiyang, south China's Guangdong Province, August 1978.

Xi Jinping once recalled his childhood life and said his worn-out clothes were patched up instead of being thrown away and he and his younger brother used to wear clothes and shoes handed down from their elder sisters.

While making inspection tours, Xi chose to spend the night in the train for several times to reduce the spending burden for local authorities. As for overseas trips, he said the living place should not be luxurious.

File photo of Xi Zhongxun (R) talking to people in Guangdong Province, China.

Xi said the spirit of hard work should be upheld although the living conditions have greatly improved nowadays. He called on all the Chinese people to pass on the treasure of staying frugal and abstaining from extravagance.

File photo of Xi Jinping (R, rear) with his father Xi Zhongxun (R, front), his wife Peng Liyuan (L, front) and his daughter (C, front).

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Syria gains bronze medal at Beirut Open Taekwondo Tournament

Beirut, The Syrian Taekwondo player, Alyasar Elias, has won the bronze medal for the weight of over 73 kg in Beirut Open Taekwondo Tournament-G2, with the participation of 270 players from Asia, Europe and Africa representing 38 countries.

Elias managed to win the bronze medal after winning the preliminary rounds over her colleague Nisreen Derki and after losing in the semi-finals with a player from Ivory Coast.

Chairman of the Game Federation, Sharif Derki, told SANA that the Beirut Open Taekwondo Tournament witnessed strong competitions due to the wide participation from all countries of the world, pointing out that the level of the five Syrian players who participated in the tournament is good and getting a medal is acceptable.

Derki added “our absence from international events (especially the Asian championships) in the previous period has affected somewhat the technical level of most of our players, knowing that most of them are new to the national team and haven’t participated in foreign events.”

It is noteworthy that our national team won a bronze medal in the Asian Championship, which preceded the Beirut Open Championship, through player Abdullah Mohammed in the under-87 kg competitions.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Two bronze medals for Syria in Arab track and field championship of Tunisia

Tunis, Syrian track and field player, Mohammad Amin al-Salameh, gained a bronze medal at the triple jump of 16,10 m competition and another bronze medal at 7,58 m high jump at the Arab men and women championship being held in Tunisia.

This Arab competition has significant importance because it is a qualifying destination for Tokyo Olympiad.

Athletes from Tunisia, Morocco, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Oman, Yemen, Palestine and other countries take part in the championship.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

UAE Condemns Houthi Militia’s Targeting of Khamis Mushait City with a Bomb-laden UAV

Abu Dhabi, The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has condemned and denounced the Iran-backed Houthi militias’ attempts to target civilians and civilian objects in Khamis Mushait City, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in a systematic and deliberate way through a bomb-laden UAV that was intercepted by the coalition forces.

In a statement, the Emirati Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation reiterated that the ongoing terrorist attacks by the Houthi militias reflect their blatant challenge to the international community and disregard of all international laws and norms.

The ministry also called on the international community to adopt a decisive and immediate stance to stop these recurrent acts that target vital and civilian facilities and the security of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

The UAE renewed its full solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia regarding these terrorist attacks, standing in one line with Saudi Arabia against every threat to its security and stability and supporting it in all measures it takes to preserve its security and the safety of its territories.

The statement concluded by stressing that the security of the UAE and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is inseparable, and that any threat or danger to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is considered a threat to the security and stability of the UAE.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority President Receives Regional Director of UN Office on Drugs and Crime to GCC States

Riyadh, President of Oversight and Anti-Corruption Authority (Nazaha) Mazin bin Ibrahim Al-Kahmous received in Riyadh today the Regional Director of the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) to the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for Arab States Judge Dr. Hatim Ali.

The meeting discussed strategic partnership and issues of mutual interests between the Authority and the UNODC.

Dr. Hatim Ali praised Saudi Arabia’s efforts in the field of combating corruption and promoting integrity, adding that Saudi Arabia is leading the world through the Riyadh Initiative (Global Operational Network of Anti-Corruption Law Enforcement Authorities).

Source: Saudi Press Agency

President of RCJY Receives Omani Delegation

Riyadh, President of the Royal Commission for Jubail and Yanbu (RCJY) Eng. Abdullah bin Ibrahim Al-Saadan received here today Undersecretary of the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Investment Promotion for Investment Promotion of the Sultanate of Oman Aseela Al-Samsami and her accompanying delegation.

Eng. Al-Saadan reviewed the successful experience of the RCJY, which spanned over decades in establishing, managing and operating industrial cities and attracting local and international investments.

For her part, Al-Samsami hailed the achievements of the RCJY, and expressed her desire to benefit from the experience of the RCJY in managing the cities.

During the meeting, they discussed ways to enhance the joint cooperation between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Sultanate of Oman in the fields of investment and industry, as well as other fields.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

TRSDC Signs Master Research Agreement with KAUST

Jeddah, The Red Sea Development Company (TRSDC) has signed a Master Research Agreement (MRA) with King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST). The agreement, which is open for renewal after five years, follows extensive collaboration between the two organizations on flora and fauna assessments, marine spatial planning, and an international competition called the Brains-for-Brine Challenge. The MRA cements the legal framework for mutually beneficial research projects on topics including, sustainability of marine environments, waste management systems, sustainable food production, energy conservation, and carbon sequestration.

“There is a growing realization that tourism needs to be far more sustainable and even regenerative in its approach. The Red Sea coast of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is one of the most pristine environments in the world and by working with KAUST, we can not only preserve, but actually enhance this unique treasure for future generations”, said CEO of TRSDC John Pagano.

“Achieving carbon neutrality and enhancing biodiversity in this unique and pristine location is a challenging task, but it is of great importance. By working with some of the world’s greatest scientists at KAUST, it is a challenge that we can rise to”, said Chief Environment Officer at TRSDC Dr. Rusty Brainard.

He added that 11 of the current staff of the TRSDC Department of Environment and Sustainability have roots at KAUST, including seven that earned doctoral degrees at KAUST and two that completed postdoc appointments at KAUST.

A KAUST-TRSDC working group is presently planning for a joint Marine Research and Coral Conservation Center at the Red Sea Project site. The space will act as a base for long-term marine research and monitoring, and in time will be open to future visitors so they can learn about the natural environment and wildlife in the area.

For his part, KAUST Vice President for Research Dr. Donal Bradley said that the Red Sea Project is an important part of the Saudi Vision 2030, which aims to diversify the local economy and create new environmentally sustainable opportunities for the Saudi people.

He pointed out that KAUST researchers and scientists supported the development of the destination’s master plan with the delivery of an extensive Marine Spatial Planning (MSP) exercise. As a result, 75% of the project’s islands will be left undeveloped in a conservation-to-development ratio unprecedented in any documented coastal development plan in the world.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Arabia Awarded Highest ICT Regulatory Classification by ITU

Riyadh, The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has been upgraded to the status of fifth-generation (G5) regulator by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), the United Nations specialized agency overseeing all matters related to information and communication technologies (ICT). The announcement was made during the Global Symposium for Regulators’ virtual event. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s new G5 classification is a testimony to the Kingdom’s maturity as a world-class digital nation.

The ITU’s ICT Regulatory Tracker is a tool used to classify the maturity of ICT regulatory frameworks across 193 countries. It is made up of 50 indicators divided into four pillars: regulatory authority, regulatory mandate, regulatory regime, and competition framework. The tool tracks countries’ progress from first-generation regulation (G1), in which regulated public monopolies employ a command-and-control approach, to fifth-generation regulation (G5), the highest level of regulatory framework in which regulatory agencies collaborate with a wide range of stakeholders to develop a harmonized approach across sectors now reliant on ICT.

The Communications and Information Technology Commission’s (CITC) recent transformation from a telecom regulator to a digital regulator has paved the way for the next generation of ICT regulation in the Kingdom. CITC has launched several initiatives enabling a cross-sectoral regulatory environment, boosting investments in the sector and supporting innovation and digital transformation across adjacent sectors. The achievement of the “gold standard” for policy and regulatory collaboration came two years ahead of the 2023 target date outlined in the Kingdom’s ICT Sector Strategy 2023, and only one year after being classified as a fourth-generation regulator.

Significant initiatives for collaborative regulation with all stakeholders in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s digital ecosystem include the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Digital Economy Policy, the creation of the Digital Government Authority, the launch of pioneering regulatory sandbox projects, the Fixed Broadband Open Access initiative, the adoption of the WiFi-6 becoming the first country in the EMEA region to do so, and the launch of the “CITC Roadmap for Commercial and Innovative Use of Frequency Spectrum 2021-2023”, among others.

“The ITU’s G5 classification is one of the biggest indicators of success for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s digital ecosystem to date, and we thank our partners and stakeholders across sectors for their contributions to this significant achievement and for embracing a spirit of togetherness in this digital era”, said Governor of CITC Mohammed Al-Tamimi. He added that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s ICT sector has become a significant player regionally and globally, witnessing rapid transformation driven by flexible, incentive-based, innovative regulations, adding that in just five years, we have witnessed internet speeds increase by 1,589%.

The ITU has praised the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for effectively overcoming digital-related challenges, displaying one of the world’s highest levels of organizational maturity, while supporting proactive innovation, the adoption of emerging technology, and the growth of the digital economy.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

“Syrian Third Step on the Silk Road…Reflections of Light,” A Syrian cultural art exhibition in China

Beijing, Syrian plastic artist, Walid Ali, inaugurate his third artistic cultural exhibition in the Chinese city of Nanjing entitled “Syrian Third Step on the Silk Road…Reflections of Light”, which aims to strengthen the Syrian cultural relationship in Chinese society.

In a speech during the opening ceremony, Ali affirmed that the exhibition is a step within the cultural project carried out by his Syrian family in China, which aims to enhance the Chinese society knowledge about the Syrian culture and civilization.

He added that the phrase “Reflections of Light” is nothing but an expression of the reflections of light and the Syrian imprint in his paintings, which mix between memory of Syrian, Damascene, rural and Chinese nature.

Ali hoped that other steps would be achieved in the future on the Silk Road between Syria and China, saying “My family and I always work to be part of the Sino-Syrian cultural exchange bridge, adding that Syria’s message has always been peace.

Artist’s paintings embodied old Damascus and the artist’s village Tallin and paintings of Chinese nature.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Grospic: West imposes inhuman coercive measures on Syria although it faces international terrorism

Prague, Deputy Head of Czech Moravian Communist Party, Head of the Czech Parliamentary Committee for Friendship with Syria, Stanislav Grospic, said that although Syria has been exposed daily to foreign aggression and international terrorism, the West still imposes coercive unilateral and inhuman measures on the Syrian people.

In a video clip that was broadcast on Monday by the party’s website, Grospic noted that these unilateral measures affected the medicines and the humanitarian aid which the Syrian people are in need for.

He added “if we want to help Syria and its people, then we should send medicines and the necessary humanitarian aid,” asserting that this issue must be on top of the priorities of the Czech Foreign ministry.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency