‫تعرض GWM الابتكارات التكنولوجية في معرض الصين الدولي للاقتصاد الرقمي لعام 2021

باودينج، الصين، 21 أكتوبر / تشرين أول 2021 / PRNewswire /– حضرت GMW في 6/سبتمبر معرض الصين الدولي للاقتصاد الرقمي لعام 2021 الذي يضم نماذج متعددة ومنتجات ذكية لعرض إنجازات في مجال التكنولوجيا العلمية والذكية للمستخدمين العالميين.

ORA HAOMAO and WEY Mocha (for Chinese Market) at 2021 CIDEE

خلال المعرض، صممت GWM منطقتي معارض، وتحديدا منطقة العرض الذكية والرقمية، ومنطقة تجربة القيادة الذكية.

على وجه الخصوص، جذبت تقنية Alcolock من GWM المعروضة في منطقة معرض الذكاء والرقمنة الكثير من الانتباه. تتيح هذه التكنولوجيا مراقبة تركيز الكحول عند السائق من خلال استخدام ” جهاز استشعار نسبة الكحول في التنفس” في حال تجاوز السائق الحد القانوني للقيادة تحت تأثير الكحول سيعمل هذا الجهاز الفريد على إيقاف تشغيل السيارة، وتضمن هذه التكنولوجيا الذكية الصديقة للمستخدم قيادة آمنة للمستخدمين بشكل أكثر شمولية.

كشفت GWM أيضا عن السيارة DV02 متعددة الوظائف ذاتية التشغيل، والتي كانت أول سيارة ذاتية التشغيل منخفضة السرعة ومتعددة الوظائف في العالم تعتمد على نظام القيادة المستقل L4 . في بيئات مثل المجتمعات الذكية والمجمعات الصناعية، يمكن استخدام هذا المنتج ليتيح للمستخدمين خدمات توصيل ذكية. علاوة على ذلك، أظهرت GWM ما يعرف ب  ” Follower 150 Loaded Robot” الذي كان قادرًا على المتابعة التلقائية، وإتاحة خدمات صوتية ذكية، وتجنب للعقبات. يمكن استخدام هذا النوع من الإنسان الآلي في المنازل، والفنادق، ومباني المكاتب وغيرها من الأماكن لمساعدة المستخدمين على معالجة نقل البضائع الثقيلة عبر وظائف القيادة الذاتية القوية، والرفع، والنقل.

بالإضافة إلى المنتجات المتميزة في منطقة معرض الذكاء والرقمنة، عرضت GWM تقنية الطيار الآلي في منطقة تجربة القيادة الذكية.

عرضت ORA HAOMAO للأسواق الصينية ) على المستخدمين أحدث نظام للقيادة الذاتية L4 . وخلال سيناريو القيادة المستمر المحاكي في المنحنيات، عندما ينشط المستخدم خاصية القيادة الذاتية تدير السيارة تلقائيًا عجلة القيادة لضبط الاتجاه والسرعة في الوقت الفعلي وفقًا لشكل المنحنى. ومن المدهش أن السائق يمكنه التحكم في السيارة دون الإمساك بعجلة القيادة والضغط على الفرامل أثناء عملية العرض الكاملة. وقد تعكس هذه التفاصيل قوة GWM البارزة في مجال القيادة الذاتية،

ويُعد توقف السيارات التلقائي الذي ظهر من خلال طراز WEY Mocha (للسوق الصيني) من المعالم البارزة في مجال تجربة القيادة الذكية. وعندما يُفعل القائد هذه الخاصية ، يمكن للسيارة التعرف تلقائيًا على صف أماكن الانتظار، وإكمال عمليات القيادة، وتحويل التروس، والفرملة. وبعد ركن السيارة في المكان المخصص، سيتم إيقاف تشغيل السيارة تلقائيًا وتحويلها إلى وضع الركن، وتشغيل فرامل الركن التلقائية. تساعد هذ الوظائف المريحة المستخدمين على حل العديد من المشكلات مثل الركن المتوازي، والعكسي.

وأثناء فترة العرض بأكملها، جذبت منطقتي المعارض التابعة ل GWM الآلاف من الزوار الذين شاركوا بنشاط في احداث التفاعل داخل الموقع، واستمتعوا بالتجربة المريحة التي توفرها منتجات GWM الذكية.

صورة-  https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1665407/image.jpg

Saudi Press: Houthi Militia Carries out Attacks Against Civilians in Yemen and Saudi Arabia Without Human Conscience

Riyadh– Saudi newspapers highlighted in their editorials today a number of issues at local, regional and international arenas.

Al-Bilad newspaper reported in its editorial that the terrorist Houthi militia carries out attacks against civilians in Yemen and in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia without human conscience.

The terrorist militia is continuing violations and hostile actions, constituting a major threat to international peace and security without international deterrence, the paper said.

Saudi Arabia has been stressing the importance of taking adequate and strict measures by the international community, especially the Security Council to put an end to Houth militias’ destabilization of regional and international security, the paper added.

In this regard, members of the Security Council condemned the Houthi attacks against Saudi Arabia and the attacks on civilian and commercial vessels, while stressing the need to stop the Houthi escalation in Marib, the paper further added.

This is seen as a positive step in the way of international deterrence of the terrorist militia, especially since members of the Security Council strongly condemned Houthi violations of international humanitarian law and international human rights law, the paper concluded.

In another context, Al-Yaum newspaper reported in its editorial that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has achieved reassuring results in confronting COVID- Pandemic.

Such results achieved, were due to unremitting and unprecedented efforts being exerted by Saudi Arabia Government which effectively contributed to enhance the capabilities of the health agencies to carry out their services successfully, the paper said.

Awareness and the cooperation shown by all members of society in addition to their commitment to the precautionary measures, was reflected positively in the increase in number of immunized people, curbing the spread of the virus, decreasing critical cases, increasing recovery cases and decreasing the number of infections, the paper added.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

High turnout at RUSH Festival

Riyadh– “RUSH” festival kicked off today in the Riyadh Front Entertainment District, one of the most prominent festivals in the field of electronic games regionally as part of the Riyadh Season 2021, enjoying a remarkable public turnout with all tickets sold out on the first day.

The festival witnessed a heavy crowd for its activities, even before it opened its doors to visitors, as the activities of the first day included: Influencer Giveaways, Hula Hoops, DJ, Tekken, Michael Jackson Show, BMX, Cosplay Show.

Riyadh Season, on its Twitter account, has called on those wishing to participate in fantasy tournaments and events to book their tickets for the rest of the festival days, which will run until October 26, where tickets can be purchased via the link: https://tickets.riyadhseason.sa/ar/d/704/rush.

The “Rush” festival activities offer the audience diverse events, including the “PUBG Mobile” tournament for the first time in the region coming straight from Los Angeles to Riyadh, with the participation of 16 teams from different countries, in addition to “Offline” games with the participation of 14,000 players who have qualified during the “RUSH” online tournaments over the past two months, to compete for cash prizes.

The festival seeks to introduce new concepts in the festivals and exhibitions industry globally, offering the visitors access and an opportunity to experience the latest technologies in electronic gaming, which is in line with the goals and commitments of the Riyadh Season in providing unique and unprecedented experiences regionally and globally.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief Concludes Course to Train Aden Airport Staff on COVID-19 Preventive Measures

Aden– King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) in Aden Governorate has concluded the second course to rehabilitate workers at border crossings on preventive measures to avoid contracting the infection from passengers arriving in Yemen, targeting 40 participants with the participation of employees of the Aden International Airport in cooperation with the World Health Organization and the port health and quarantine centers at the Yemeni Ministry of Public Health and Population.

Over the course of five days, the participants received knowledge and skills on dealing with the expected cases coming through the airport if they are confirmed of being infected with the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

The Acting Deputy Assistant Director of Aden International Airport, Dr. Nasser Naji, praised the efforts of KSrelief aimed at rehabilitating and strengthening the cadres working at the airport, calling on the participants to benefit from the course’s programs and reflect it on practice in raising awareness of the spread of the Coronavirus.

The course is part of humanitarian and relief projects offered by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by KSrelief, to the brotherly Yemeni people.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Esports Games World Champions Waiting for Their Fans Tomorrow on Decisive Challenges at RUSH Festival in Riyadh Season 2021

Riyadh– Tomorrow, Friday, October 22, the activities of the RUSH Festival, one of the most prominent and largest regional Esports games events will start in the Riyadh Front entertainment zone as part of Riyadh Season 2021.

The festival activities include organizing the PUBG Mobile tournament for the first time in the region, after moving from Los Angeles to Riyadh, in cooperation with the Esports World Federation and the Saudi Esports Federation, with the participation of 16 teams from different countries. The activities also include “offline” games, with the attendance of 14,000 players, who were qualified during the RUSH online tournaments over the past two months, to compete for financial prizes.

Over the past few days, Twitter has witnessed invitations to a challenge between the world champion, Musaed Al-Dossary (@Msdossary7), and YouTuber BanderitaX (@BanderitaX) in one of the Esports games, which is expected to be held at RUSH Festival in Riyadh Front entertainment zone. The challenge will be held in front of the audience for a prize of SAR 100,000 ($ 26,666). The tone of suspense and excitement rose after each of the two players pledged to win.

Amid the enthusiastic challenge at RUSH Festival, former world champion Abdulaziz Alshehri (@MrD0ne) and YouTuber Ahmed Show (@Ahmedowsari) announced a friendly challenge between them as well.

The player FaZe virus (@FaZeVirus) also challenged everyone to the game “Call of Duty: Warzone” at the festival, and it is expected that many fans of esports games will step forward to compete.

The festival, which starts tomorrow and ends on 26 October, introduces new concepts in the festivals and exhibitions industry globally and gives those interested the opportunity to access, display and experience the latest technologies in the field of e-games, which is in line with the goals and commitments of the Riyadh Season in providing unique and unpreceded experiences regionally and globally.

This challenging atmosphere adds more excitement and suspense to the activities of RUSH Festival in Riyadh Season 2021, which encourages everyone to discover their talents and abilities.

Source: Saudi Press Agency