‫توقع Essar اتفاقية بيع بقيمة 2.4 مليار دولار (19000 كرور روبية) مع AM/NS لأصول البنية التحتية

عائد متعدد الجوانب على الاستثمارات لشركة Essar

بورت لويس، موريشيوس, 27 أغسطس / آب 2022 /PRNewswire/ — في واحدة من أكبر صفقات الاندماج والاستحواذ بعد الجائحة في الهند، أعلنت Essar اليوم عن توقيع اتفاقيات نهائية مع شركة Arcelor Mittal Nippon Steel (AM/NS) لبعض أصول الموانئ والبنية التحتية للطاقة والتي هي أساسًا عمليات مصنع هزيرا للصلب.

Essar Logo

وتنص الاتفاقية أيضًا على شراكة النصف بالنصف، لبناء محطة 4 MTPA LNG في هزيرا بِغوجارات، بين Essar و Arcelor Mittal .

قال السيد ريوانت رويا، مدير شركة Essar Ports & Terminals Limited ، “من خلال هذه الصفقة، التي تحقق عائدًا متعددًا على استثماراتنا، أطلقت Essar Ports & Terminals قيمة لجميع أصحاب المصلحة وستواصل التركيز على بناء نواة جديدة وحديثة أصول البنية التحتية في الهند وخارجها “.

قال براشانت رويا، مدير Essar Capital ، “لقد أصبحت Essar تركز الآن على النمو والانبعاث. بعد توحيد أعمالنا على مدار السنوات الأربع الماضية، دخلنا الآن مرحلة النمو التالية التي تركز على المساعدة في بناء مستقبل للطاقة المستدامة من شأنه التأثير على الحياة وسبل العيش من أجل عالم أكثر خضرة “.

مع هذه الصفقة، ستختتم Essar برنامج تسييل الأصول المخطط لها وتستكمل خطة سداد الديون البالغة 25 مليار دولار (2،00،000 كرور روبية) مع سداد القطاع المصرفي الهندي بالكامل تقريبًا. ستبلغ إيرادات Essar الإجمالية حوالي 15 مليار دولار أمريكي (حوالي 1.2 كرور روبية هندية) و أصل تحت الإدارة بقيمة 8 مليار دولار أمريكي (64000 كرور روبية) تتكون من أصول مختلفة منتشرة في جميع أنحاء الهند وخارجها.

تشمل هذه الأصول في قطاع الطاقة مصفاة 10 مليون طن سنويًا في المملكة المتحدة، واحتياطي 15 تريليون قدم مكعب (بما في ذلك بعض الحقول المنتجة) من الهيدروكربونات غير التقليدية في الهند وفيتنام ومحطة طاقة 1200 ميجاوات في الهند؛ تشمل أصول قطاع البنية التحتية محطة تخزين في المملكة المتحدة بسعة 3 ملايين متر مكعب وميناء 20 مليون طن متري في الهند؛ تشمل أصول قطاع المعادن والتعدين منجم خام الحديد الرئيسي ومشروع الحبيبات في الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية؛ تشمل أصول قطاع التكنولوجيا والخدمات Global EPC ومزود حلول تكنولوجيا المعلومات مع مراكز في أكثر من 30 دولة.

من خلال تسييل الأصول بطريقة مخططة واستراتيجية، تم بناؤها باستخدام تقنيات سابقة على مدار السنوات العديدة الماضية، تستعد Essar الآن لإعادة الاستثمار في أصول جديدة باستخدام أحدث التقنيات وأكثرها كفاءة والمتوافقة مع ESG لتستمر لعدة عقود قادمة.

خططت Essar لاستثمارات كبيرة في قطاعاتها الأساسية مثل الطاقة والبنية التحتية والمعادن والتعدين والتكنولوجيا والخدمات. بينما ستوفر الأعمال الجارية الاستقرار التشغيلي، سيكون تركيزنا المتجدد على تحويل الأصول الحالية إلى Green والاستثمار في تحويل قطاع الأعمال النظيفة حول موضوعات الاستثمار الخاصة بإزالة الكربون والرقمنة.

يخضع إغلاق صفقة الاندماج والاستحواذ لاستكمال بعض الموافقات المؤسسية والتنظيمية المطبقة على الأصول المعنية.

انقر هنا لمعرفة المزيد عن # ResurgentEssar .

الشعار: https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1886066/Essar_Logo.jpg


‫فوغ Vogue الهند ومجلس الماس الطبيعي يتعاونان في النسخة الثانية من مهرجان الماس

على مدار اليومين، سيجمع المهرجان الافتراضي خبراء ومتحدثين للاحتفال بعالم الماس الطبيعي المتلألئ

دبي، الإمارات العربية المتحدة, 27 أغسطس / آب 2022/PRNewswire/ — فوغ Vogue الهند، العلامة التجارية الرائدة في مجال الموضة والجمال والرفاهية ونمط الحياة المتعددة الوسائط في البلاد ومجلس الماس الطبيعي، وهو منظمة غير ربحية مكرسة لتعزيز ودعم صناعة الماس الطبيعي، قد تضافرت جهودهما في الإصدار الثاني من مهرجان الماس الافتراضي يومي 26 و 27 غشت/آب 2022. هذا الحدث عبر الإنترنت هو عبارة عن تصريح دخول شامل إلى المحادثات والتجارب الأكثر رواجًا حول الأماس والتي تضم أبرز المؤثرين في صناعة المجوهرات في العالم والمطلعين على الصناعة والمشاهير.

Vogue x NDC Diamond Festival

سيضم مهرجان الألماس لفوغ Vogue الهند ومجلس الماس الطبيعي (عبر الإنترنيت) و أكثر من 30 من المشاهير والمؤثرين، حيث يجسدون أفضل ما في العمل، ويناقشون كل ما يتعلق بالماس أثناء مشاركتهم حكمتهم في مجال المجوهرات. من سارة علي خان المحبوبة للغاية في بوليوود والتي ستبرز منظور الجيل Z على الماس إلى شاريثرا شاندران من بريدجيرتون الشهيرة التي تجذب الجماهير من خلال مظهرها على السجادة الحمراء، سيغطي المهرجان مجموعة من الموضوعات. ستشارك زوجات بوليوود المفضلات في البلاد من سلسلة نتفليكس Netflix الناجحة – ماهيب كابور وبهافانا باندي وسيما خان ونيلام كوثاري مع الجماهير شغفهم بالهدية الذاتية بينما ستعرض فاليري ميسيكا الرائدة في محادثة مع ديبا خوسلا كيف تصمم الماس كل يوم وتوضح ذلك بسهولة. وستكون جيسيكا مكورماك وآنا خوري وفرناندو جورج، مصممو المجوهرات العالميون الرائدون، أيضًا جزءًا من مجموعة النجوم البارزين.

وقالت ريتشا سينغ، العضو المنتدب لمجلس الماس الطبيعي في الهند والشرق الأوسط: “أعاد العامان الماضيان تعريف الطريقة التي نعبر بها عن أنفسنا من خلال المجوهرات وهذا المهرجان يعيد إحياء هذا الشعور. من خلال هذا الحدث الافتراضي الذي سيستمر لمدة يومين، نعرض أن الماس الطبيعي يجسد الموضة البطيئة والرفاهية الواعية، وهي صفات تشكل جوهر شباب اليوم. لا توجد أيقونة نمط متعددة الاستخدامات، ولا إرث دائم مثل الماس الطبيعي. بتقديم هذا المهرجان للمرة الثانية، نحن هنا لتذكير جمهورنا بأن الماس له قيمة عاطفية متأصلة ويشكل جزءًا لا يتجزأ من قصتنا اليومية “.

“في عامه الثاني الآن، يسلط مهرجان الماس الضوء على قصص مرتبطة بهذه الأحجار الكريمة المهمة جدًا في حياتنا. سواء كانت الموروثات هي التي تشكل صناديق المجوهرات لدينا أو كيف نعبر عن أنفسنا باستخدام المجوهرات، وصعود الألماس الطبيعي وقوة استمراره لجميع الأجناس – نسمع من أبرز الأصوات وأكثرها إثارة في الصناعة حول قصص الألماس الخاصة بهم،” ميغا كابور، رئيسة المحتوى التحريري، فوغ Vogue الهند.

يُعد الماس الطبيعي من الإكسسوارات المثالية للحظات الكبيرة والصغيرة على حد سواء، وهو تذكار مثالي يمكن أن تعتز بها الأجيال القادمة. من خلال هذه الشراكة، سيحتفل مجلس الماس الطبيعي وفوغ Vogue الهند بمعجزة الطبيعة بكل مجدها. من خلال عرض مجموعة استثنائية من الأفكار القيمة، يحتوي المهرجان الذي يستمر ليومين على جدول زمني مليء بالجلسات الجذابة مثل تصميم الدنيم بالماس، وإرث العصر الجديد، وأحدث صيحات المجوهرات، والمجوهرات الملكية وغيرها الكثير. سواء كان المرء يعمل في مجال المجوهرات، أو مورّدًا للأشياء الجميلة ويرتديها، أو ببساطة متحمسًا يستمتع بمعرفة المزيد عن الماس، فسيكون هذا هو المهرجان لوضع إشارة مرجعية.

للحصول على أخبار ومحادثات حول # VogueNDCDiamondFest #VogueXOnlyNaturalDiamonds ، قم بزيارة  vogue.in و https://www.naturaldiamonds.com/

تابع @ VOGUEIndia على إنستغرام و فايسبوك و تويتر

تابع مجلس الماس الطبيعي NDC على إنستغرام و فايسبوك و تويتر و لينكد إن

نبذة عن مجلس الماس الطبيعي:

يلهم مجلس الماس الطبيعي ( NDC )   المستهلكين ويعلمهم بالعالم المذهل للماس الطبيعي من خلال منصته Only Natural Diamonds . المنصة هي الناشر الموثوق لكل ما يتعلق بالماس الطبيعي بما في ذلك المشاهير وثقافة البوب والماس الملحمي واتجاهات المجوهرات والخطابات وحفلات الزفاف وأدلة شراء الماس.

 يدعم مجلس الماس الطبيعي ( NDC ) سلامة صناعة الماس الطبيعي من خلال توفير الشفافية والبصيرة حول التقدم الذي يحرزه هذا القطاع والتزاماته نحو التحسين أكثر. مجلس الماس الطبيعي ( NDC ) هو منظمة عالمية تمتد عمليات أعضائها عبر أربع قارات وعشر دول بما في ذلك كندا وجنوب إفريقيا وبوتسوانا. تدعم عملياتهم سبل عيش 10 ملايين موظف في الصناعة وعائلاتهم في جميع أنحاء العالم.

تعمل مجلس الماس الطبيعي ( NDC ) في الولايات المتحدة والصين والهند والإمارات العربية المتحدة وأوروبا.

حول فوغ Vogue الهند

فوغ Vogue الهند، التي تم إطلاقها في شتنبر/أيلول 2007، تحتفل بالمرأة الهندية الحديثة ومجال نفوذها المتنامي في جميع جوانب الحياة. تجمع فوغ Vogue ، التي يطلق عليها الكتاب المقدس للموضة، بين أفضل ما في الموضة العالمية والهندية والجمال والناس والرفاهية والسفر والثقافة. نظرًا لكونها رائدة في مجال الرأي ورائدة في مجال الموضة، تعمل فوغ Vogue الهند على جذب الجماهير عبر العديد من المنصات التفاعلية، والتي تشمل طبعتها الشهرية وموقعها الإلكتروني ( Vogue.in ) وإنستغرام وتويتر وفايسبوك. تستضيف العلامة التجارية أيضًا بعض الأحداث والممتلكات الأكثر شهرة في البلاد – جوائز Vogue Women of the Year وجوائز Vogue Beauty وسلسلة Vogue Atelier و Vogue Fashion’s Night Out و Vogue Fashion’s Night.in و Vogue Wedding Show . كما أنتجت برنامجًا حواريًا تلفزيونيًا، BFFs With Vogue ، والذي تم بثه على Colors Infinity . فوغ Vogue الهند هو الإصدار السابع عشر لقوة الإعلام العالمية. على مدار أكثر من 100 عام، أنتجت Condé Nast بعضًا من أرقى العلامات التجارية وأكثرها نجاحًا وتميزًا في مجال الإعلام في جميع أنحاء العالم.

مصدر الصورة : https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1885831/Vogue_NDC_Diamond_Festival.jpg

Saint Lucia Citizenship Investment Programme makes top three in the 2022 CBI Index

Castries, Aug. 26, 2022 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — St Lucia took third place in this year’s instalment of the CBI Index – which ranked 13 countries with operational citizenship by investment programmes.

Seen as an industry voice and reliable source for those looking to vet CBI programmes around the world, the CBI Index is published annually by the Private Wealth Management magazine, a publication of the Financial Times, and in partnership with CS Global Partners.

This year, St Lucia was ranked alongside Antigua and Barbuda, Austria, Cambodia, Dominica, Egypt, Grenada, Jordan, Malta, Montenegro, St Kitts and Nevis, Turkey, and Vanuatu.

The CBI Index ranked these jurisdictions across nine pillars including Freedom of Movement, Standard of Living, Minimum Investment Outlay, Mandatory Travel or Residence, Citizenship Timeline, Ease of Processing, Due Diligence, Family and Certainty of Product.

Having recently welcomed Mc Claude Emmanuel to the position of Chief Executive Officer of its CBI unit, St Lucia was recognised its affordable minimum investment outlay, reasonable mandatory travel or residence requirements and ease of application processing.

“This recognition means a lot to us. The CBI Index is a globally recognised report that has been assessing CBI programmes for the last six years and not only will investors gain insight into our programme but it also gives us an opportunity to improve aspects of our programme to increase our scores next year,” said notes Mc Claude Emmanuel, CEO of St Lucia’s CPI Unit.

Investors can become a citizen of St Lucia in as little as 90 days by investing only a minimum of US$100,000 through its National Economic Fund, and busy entrepreneurs are not required to stay in the country for prescribed periods of time.

There weren’t many significant changes in the minimum investment outlays since the 2021 CBI Index, this was reflected in no change in the order of the final scores.

There were also no changes from the 2021 CBI Index to scores under the Mandatory Travel or Residence Pillar – Caribbean nations continue to rank highly in this area.

The country scored 87% overall.

St Lucia scored 9 out of ten for Due Diligence, Citizenship Timeline, and Family.

A very important aspect of any CBI programme is its ability to vet applicants and ensure that only honest individuals who can account for how they make a living are accepted into the programmes.

“We are on an ongoing drive to continuously enhance the due diligence processes of our programme as we are very keen to protect its integrity and value,” noted Mc Claude Emmanuel.

With ongoing geopolitical tensions, special attention is now being given to jurisdictions that offer CBI programmes. The international community is concerned that these programmes may offer boltholes for suspect characters looking to evade the law.

International respect is vital for any CBI programme to thrive, and a layer of ongoing monitoring is becoming a key pillar of reputable CBI Units such as that of St Lucia. Caribbean nations are setting global best practices when it comes to advancements in due diligence processes.

The Citizenship Timeline Pillar looks at the average time taken for citizenship to be secured by the applicant. One of the key merits of CBI programmes is their ability to provide a rapid route to second citizenship; St Lucia was awarded top points for its short turnaround times, which takes three months for citizenship to be granted from the date the Authorised Agent is notified that the application has been accepted for processing.

The CBI Index recognises that the rise of increasingly complex family relationships is driving investors to seek programmes that allow for a more diverse range of family members to be included under a primary application.

As an additional layer of nuance to its scoring system, this year’s CBI Index also draws a distinction between family members who are allowed to apply with and obtain citizenship at the same time as the main applicant and those who can apply at a later stage and because of the main applicant has already received citizenship.

Multiple family member categories were considered, with points being awarded for adult children, parents, grandparents and even siblings. Additional merit was also given to programmes with provisions for family members of the main applicant’s spouse. Additionally, the degree of flexibility within each of these categories can differ radically from programme to programme.

St Lucia scored 8 out of 10 in the Certainty of Product pillar. This pillar encompasses a range of factors that measure a programme’s certainty across five different dimensions: longevity, popularity and renown, stability, reputation, and adaptability.

Longevity measures the age of a given programme while Popularity and renown evaluate the number of applications and naturalisations under each programme per year, as well as a programme’s eminence in the industry.

The reputation of a programme was determined by the amount of negative press or the number of scandals it has been linked to, affecting investors’ broader perceptions of the countries in which they invest. Just as important, however, is evidence that programme funds are being utilised for social good. Points were awarded for a jurisdiction’s transparent use of CBI funds, for example for the development of domestic healthcare, education, tourism and other infrastructure. One of the main ways that investors can become citizens of St Lucia is through its Economic Fund which Mc Claude Emmanuel has said will “benefit all St Lucians by investing in social interventions and assisting the country to be food secure as assistance will be given to local farmers.”

Lastly, adaptability reflects a programme’s ability to rapidly respond to, and sometimes even predict, the needs of applicants and the industry.

St Lucia continues to offer a popular programme with consistently high application volumes, stability with no caps on the number of applications or specific calls to end the programme, and adaptability both in respect of changes to keep the programme functioning during Covid-19 and its swift response to the Russian invasion.

St Lucia, along with Antigua and Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada and St Kitts and Nevis scored seven out of 10 in the Freedom of Movement pillar. St Lucia has access to 15 of the 20 key business hubs assessed in the 2022 CBI Index.

Lastly, St Lucia scored six out of 10 for its decent freedom, GDP growth and GNI scores.

Download the full CBI Index here, to get further insights into the CBI industry and a full evaluation of the CBI programmes of the 12 other jurisdictions in the rankings.

PR St lucia
Saint Lucia
+1 758 458 6050

Saudi Arabia to invest US$1 billion in Pakistan

NEW DELHI— Saudi Arabia will invest US$1 billion to support Pakistan’s economy.

Saudi King Salman Bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has issued the directive to make the investment, the official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) reported on Thursday.

Foreign Minister Prince Faisal Bin Farhan Bin Abdullah informed his Pakistani counterpart Bilawal Bhutto Zardari about the kingdom’s decision during a phone conversation.

The two ministers discussed ways to strengthen bilateral relations as well as regional and international issues of common interest, the SPA reported.

Bilawal in a tweet said he briefed the Saudi foreign minister about the damage caused by unprecedented floods in Pakistan.

Pakistan, facing declining foreign exchange reserves and rising inflation, on Wednesday received a US$3 billion investment commitment from Qatar, according to Qatar’s state news agency.

Source: Nam News Network

New Permanent Observer for Organization of Islamic Cooperation Presents Letter of Appointment

The new Permanent Observer for the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Hameed Ajibaiye Opeloyeru, presented his letter of appointment to UN Secretary-General António Guterres today.

Prior to his appointment, Mr. Opeloyeru held several positions at OIC, including Deputy Director-General at the Secretariat for Food Security from 2019 to 2020 and Assistant Secretary-General from 2009 to 2019, as well as Supervisor, Legal Affairs Department from 2017 to 2018.

From 2007 to 2009, he was Ambassador and Head of Mission at the Embassy of Nigeria to Lebanon with concurrent accreditation to Syria. He also served as Minister and Head of Chancery at the Nigeria High Commission in London from 2003 to 2007. Between 1998 and 2003, he was Minister-Counsellor and Deputy Director (West Africa/North and Horn of Africa), African Affairs Division, in Nigeria’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

He served as Minister-Counsellor and Head of Chancery in his country’s embassy in Saudi Arabia between 1992 and 1998, Counsellor (Discipline/Central Africa) in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs from 1989 to 1992 and Counsellor and Head of Chancery in the Embassy in Libya from 1986 to 1989.

Between 1983 and 1985, he was Senior First Secretary (Welfare and Education/Legal) and Third Secretary (Language Bureau) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1979. From 1979 to 1983, he was Third Secretary and First Secretary (Political/Administration) at the Nigerian Embassy in Iraq.

Born in 1954, Mr. Opeloyeru earned his Bachelor of Arts at the Al-Azhar University in Egypt and a master’s in international law and diplomacy from the University of Lagos in Nigeria.

Source: United Nations

GAMETHONE Concluded within Gamers Season

Riyadh– The closing ceremony of the “GAMETHONE” event within the Gamers Season, which is the largest event for sports and electronic games in the world, is held yesterday with the participation of nearly 1,000 talented young men and women of the Kingdom.

The event is organized by the Saudi Esports Federation (SEF) in collaboration with Al-Faisal University.

The ceremony honored 100 winners from the participants in 10 different tracks, and 4 special projects with total financial prizes of SAR two million.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Minister of Environment Discusses with Malaysian Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries Aspects of Cooperation in Food Security

Riyadh, Aug. 26, 2022, SPA — Minister of Environment, Water and Agriculture Eng. Abdulrahman bin Abdulmohsen Al-Fadhli, met in his office in Riyadh today with the Minister of Agriculture and Food Industries of the Kingdom of Malaysia Dr. Ronald Kiandee in the attendance of a number of senior officials of the two sides.

During the meeting, they discussed aspects of cooperation in food security and ways of encouraging the private sectors to benefit from investment opportunities available in the two countries, aiming to promote partnerships and extend bridges of cooperation.

Each minister highlighted the investment opportunities of the preferential advantage available in his country.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Int’l Islamic Jurisprudence Complex and Int’l Global Islamic University Sign Cooperation Memorandum in Kualalumpur

Jeddah, Aug. 26, 2022, SPA — The Secretary General of the International Islamic (Fiqh) Jurisprudence Complex Dr. Qutb Mustafa Sanu and the Director of the Global Islamic University based in Malaysia Dr. Tan Siri Zulkefli Abdurazeq signed at the headquarters of the university in Kualalumpur a strategic cooperation memorandum between the two institutions.

The agreement aims at building strategic partnership in the field of mutual benefiting from the scientific and research capabilities available in the two institutions and enhancing coordination and cooperation efforts in the field of consolidating the approach of moderation and spreading the culture of tolerance and co-existence in religious institutions and commissions.

Moreover, it aims to enabling the two institutions to jointly organize conferences and symposia and hold workships and training and exchange publications and represent each other with previous notice in events of mutual interest.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

SFD signs an agreement to finance a health project in Cameroon

Cameroon– Today, the Saudi Fund for Development (SFD) signed an agreement with the Cameroonian Government to finance the construction of the Mbalmayo Regional Hospital Project, with the provision of a soft development loan amounting to USD 12 million. The agreement was signed by SFD CEO, Mr. Sultan bin Abdulrahman Al-Marshad, and the Cameroonian Minister of Economy, Planning, and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey.

The financing agreement will help to build and equip the hospital with a capacity of 200 medical beds and develop specialized medical departments, centers, and buildings spanning a total area of 14,000 m2. The project will also include an area for operational services covering up to 8,500 m2. The hospital will be fully furnished and equipped with electricity, water, and sewage facilities. The development plan also comprises the rehabilitation of the road that connects the hospital to the national road to ensure easy access to the hospital.

The project is expected to serve thousands of people from the Cameroonian capital as well as neighboring cities and villages, providing access to quality healthcare services. It will help tackle chronic disease and reduce mortality rates. The hospital will also alleviate overcrowding in Yaoundé and Douala hospitals.

The signing ceremony was attended by Dr. Manaouda Malachie, Cameroonian Minister of Public Health, Mr. Abdulrahman Alzebn, Chargé d’Affaires at the Embassy of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the Republic of Cameroon, and several officials from both nations.

In his speech, SFD’s CEO Al Marshad affirmed that the project will be co-financed by SFD, the Kuwait Fund for Arab Economic Development, and the Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa (BADEA), with a total value of USD 38.8 million. Mr. Al Marshad reiterated that the project is a vital undertaking that will positively contribute to the social development of the Cameroonian people. The project will provide the necessary support for basic infrastructure services, enabling society members to access all their daily needs to improve their social and economic living conditions.

Al Marshad expressed his appreciation for the efforts exerted by both nations to achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project, he emphasized, is of great importance to safeguarding Cameroon’s future and ensuring the development of its burgeoning and thriving sectors.

For his part, Minister Mey praised the important role played by the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, through SFD, in supporting development projects and improving the health sector in Cameroon. The Minister further underlined that the Mbalmayo Regional Hospital project will be essential to people and communities across Cameroon, offering greater access to quality care and modern, specialized medical centers.

The Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia realizes the importance of supporting the development sectors in Cameroon through SFD-funded development projects and programs.

Since 1977, SFD has provided — in addition to this agreement — development loans to finance nine (9) projects in Cameroon amounting to USD 109 million to enhance the growth and prosperity of the infrastructure, water, transportation, education, and health sector to help achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief distributes relief aid within Saudi airlift to people affected by floods in Sudan

Khartoum, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) distributed today food and shelter aid to the affected families in Sudan, as part of the Saudi relief airlift that the center recently dispatched under the directives of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud to support the Sudanese people who have been affected by torrential rains, which swept several cities and states and led to heavy losses in lives and property.

The center’s specialized technical team was able to reach the isolated and flood-affected areas and succeeded in delivering shelter and food assistance to the affected locals, to alleviate their suffering and improve their living conditions.

Yesterday, two Saudi relief planes arrived as part of the Saudi relief airlift to the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, carrying more than 100 tons of food and shelter aid to alleviate the suffering of those affected by the floods.

This comes within the framework of humanitarian and relief assistance provided by the Kingdom, represented by the Center, to help the needy and affected countries around the world.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief launches 2nd phase of relief for Somali people early next week

Riyadh, King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSRelief) will launch early next week the second phase of the emergency intervention which will contribute to reducing the repercussions of drought and famine facing Somalia and impacting its citizens, after the end of the first relief phase.

This was announced in a press statement today by the Adviser at the Royal Court and Supervisor General of the Center, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdulaziz Al Rabeeah, who explained that the second phase will include distributing more than 52,000 food baskets, securing and distributing potable water to areas of displacement and drought, and distributing the necessary supplies to the displaced families there, in addition to launching several food security projects in cooperation with the center’s partners from the UN and international organizations and civil society institutions, as well as distributing dates to the needy people in Somalia. Dr. Al Rabeeah said the total value of the second phase projects amounts to SR47,128,636 and will be implemented under direct follow-up from the Center’s branch in Somalia.

He added that the first relief phase that has been implemented included the distribution of 78,000 food baskets weighing 5,200 tons, the provision of potable water, and the distribution of sacrificial meat to drought-affected families in Somalia, at a total cost of SR22,926,000.

Dr. Al Rabeeah stressed that this support reflects the keenness of the Kingdom, its government, and its people, to stand by their brothers in Somalia and alleviate their suffering. It also comes as an extension of the Kingdom’s humanitarian efforts toward other countries in times of crises and adversities.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Reserve showcases reserve’s visiting and resident falcons at Saudi International Falcons and Hunting Exhibition

Riyadh, King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Reserve Development Authority is participating in the 4th edition of the Saudi International Falcons and Hunting Exhibition for the second time in a row, which kicked off yesterday with local and international participation in Molham, north of Riyadh.

The reserve’s participation aims to raise awareness of the types of falcons available in the reserve, in addition to highlighting the importance of falcons and their role in maintaining ecological balance and biodiversity, their contribution to protecting wildlife and introducing visitors to the reserve’s natural treasures of antiquities, terrain and vegetation cover.

The King Salman bin Abdulaziz Royal Reserve is the largest in the Middle East and has an amazing geographical diversity of up to 14 species, and a history of different ancient civilizations, which has types of rarest endangered animals, such as the oryx, the bustard, and the gazelle.

Source: Saudi Press Agency