‫شبكة تلفزيون الصين الدولية (CGTN): من خلال تنشيط تجارة الخدمات، تلتزم الصين بفتح أبوابها على مستوى أعلى

بكين، 7 سبتمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — مع اقتراب معرض الصين الدولي للتجارة في الخدمات (CIFTIS) 2022 من الانتهاء يوم الاثنين في بكين، أرسلت البلاد إشارة إلى تصميمها الراسخ على الدفع من أجل انفتاح أوسع وأعمق.

وتحت عنوان “التعاون من أجل تطوير أفضل، والابتكار من أجل مستقبل أكثر مراعاة للبيئة “، يضم حدث هذا العام منطقة معارض تبلغ مساحتها 152000 متر مربع بمشاركة أكثر من 2400 شركة، بما في ذلك أكثر من 400 شركة من شركات Global Fortune 500 والشركات الرائدة في هذا المجال.

وأظهرت بيانات وزارة التجارة الصينية أنه تم التوقيع على ما مجموعه 1339 مشروعًا، منها 513 مشروعًا للبناء، و175 صفقة استثمارية، و128 اتفاقًا استراتيجيًا، و173 منتجًا من منتجات الإطلاق الأول.

وأشار الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ في رسالة تهنئة إلى CIFTIS الأربعاء 2022 إلى أن CIFTIS هو منصة حاسمة للصين لتوسيع الانفتاح وتعميق التعاون والابتكار الرائد.

وأعرب عن استعداد البلد للعمل مع البلدان الأخرى لدعم تعددية الأطراف الحقيقية والشمولية والتعاون الذي يعود بالنفع على الجميع، والترويج المشترك لاقتصاد الخدمات المفتوح والمشترك لإعطاء زخم لانتعاش الاقتصاد العالمي.

 تم تسليط الضوء على التنمية الخضراء

أنشأ CIFTIS هذا العام قسمًا للخدمات البيئية لأول مرة. وهي تركز على التنمية الخضراء، وسط جهود البلاد لتحقيق أهداف ذروة الكربون والحياد الكربوني.

يغطي هذا القسم مساحة 16700 متر مربع ويركز على مواضيع مثل الطاقة منخفضة الكربون، والمناخ واقتصاد الكربون، وحياد الكربون والتكنولوجيا الخضراء.

تم عرض عدد من المنتجات والتقنيات الجديدة مثل خوادم الحوسبة السحابية الخضراء منخفضة الكربون، وحساب بصمة الكربون ESG ، وأجهزة الكمبيوتر الشخصية الخضراء.

واستضاف المنظمون أيضًا 24 نشاطًا من أنشطة المنتديات والمؤتمرات لاستكشاف مسار التعاون العالمي للتنمية الخضراء بعمق.

وأشار شي في بيان كتابي إلى مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة السادس والعشرين للأطراف في اتفاقية الأمم المتحدة الإطارية بشأن تغير المناخ في العام الماضي إلى أن “الرؤى لن تتحقق إلا عندما نتصرف على أساسها”، حيث شهدت الصين تقدمًا ملحوظًا في توفير الطاقة وخفض الكربون على مدى العقد الماضي.

بحلول عام 2021، انخفض استهلاك الطاقة في الصين لكل وحدة من الناتج المحلي الإجمالي بنسبة 26.2 في المائة عن عام 2012 وخفض كثافة الكربون بنسبة 34 في المائة في العقد الماضي.

ازدهار تجارة الخدمات في الصين

لقد حققت تجارة الخدمات في الصين توسعًا هائلًا حيث ارتفعت القيمة المضافة لقطاع الخدمات في الصين 1.49 مرة على مدى السنوات العشر الماضية وتجاوزت التجارة التراكمية في الخدمات 4 تريليون دولار.

في النصف الأول من عام 2022، ارتفع استيراد وتصدير الخدمات في الصين أيضًا 2.89 تريليون يوان (419 مليار دولار)، بزيادة قدرها 21.6 في المائة على أساس سنوي.

كما يجد المستثمرون في الخارج أماكن جميلة في قطاع الخدمات الصيني المتنامي. وقالت وزارة المواصلات إن الاستخدام الفعلي للاستثمار الأجنبي في الصين في عام 2021 ارتفع بنسبة 14.9 في المائة على أساس سنوي إلى حوالي 1.15 تريليون يوان (180.72 مليار دولار )، شكل قطاع الخدمات 79 في المائة من المجموع.

كما تعهد الرئيس الصيني في رسالته التهنئة بأن تظل البلاد ملتزمة بتعزيز توسيع فرص الوصول إلى الأسواق في قطاع الخدمات، وتيسير الانفتاح في تجارة الخدمات عبر الحدود، والسعي إلى إنشاء نظام انفتاح عالي المستوى لقطاع الخدمات.

حقن الحيوية في الاقتصاد العالمي

وأشار شي، في رسالته التهنئة، إلى أن المركز يقدم إسهامات نشطة في تنمية التجارة العالمية في الخدمات والخدمات.

لا شك أن CIFTIS تعقد في الوقت المناسب لتعزيز التعاون العالمي، وقد ردد سفير الإمارات العربية المتحدة لدى الصين الدكتور علي عبيد الظاهري كلمات شي خلال مقابلة حديثة مع CGTN .

وشدد المدير العام لمنظمة التجارة العالمية، نغوزي أوكونجو – إيويلا، في الكلمة التي ألقاها أمام مؤتمر القمة العالمي للتجارة في الخدمات المعقود في عام 2022 على أن الاقتصاد العالمي اليوم مدفوع بشكل متزايد بقطاع الخدمات، ومع تسارع وتيرة الرقمنة في تجارة الخدمات، فإن حصة تجارة الخدمات في التجارة العالمية ستستمر في الارتفاع.

بلغ متوسط معدل النمو السنوي لتجارة الخدمات في الصين 6.1 في المائة على مدى العقد الماضي، بزيادة 3.1 نقطة مئوية عن المستوى العالمي، وفقًا لوزارة التجارة. واحتل حجم تجارة الخدمات في البلد المرتبة الثانية عالميًا لمدة ثماني سنوات متتالية.

ويوجد حاليًا أكثر من 200 بلد ومنطقة لديها تجارة في الخدمات مع الصين.

وقال راجا داتو نوشيروان زين العابدين، السفير الماليزي لدى الصين، لـ CGTN إن عقد CIFTIS يدل تمامًا على التزام الصين بزيادة فتح قطاع الخدمات، وهو أمر يرحب به العالم.


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Experlogix Expands Senior Sales Leadership Team with Appointment of Two New VPs 

SOUTH JORDAN, Utah and VEENENDAAL, Netherlands, Sept. 6, 2022 /PRNewswire/ — Experlogix, a leading provider of Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ) and Document Automation software, announced today an expansion of its sales team: Mark Conway joined the company as Vice President of Sales for EMEA, and Angie Cox has come on board as Vice President of Sales for North America.

Experlogix is a leader in CPQ and document generation and automation software for Microsoft Dynamics 365, Salesforce, NetSuite, SugarCRM, and many other top CRM and ERP platforms.

Conway brings to Experlogix over two decades of global experience in the software/IT services industry, managing clients across the US, UK, Europe and Asia. Before joining Experlogix, Conway was Executive Director EMEA at Flintfox since 2019 where he defined and led their sales, marketing, service level management and technical support teams. He has built successful business development teams within the industry with a focus on all things digital and disruptive technology. He has successfully collaborated with C- level client stakeholders on many strategic businesses and IT digital and data transformation deals that have brought forward immense value to client organizations.

“I am honoured and elated to join Experlogix which has built a robust foundation and culture over the years, to deliver a world class CPQ experience to their clients globally,” said Conway. “I look forward to collaborating with the leadership team to leverage their rich knowledge coupled with its winning software to drive further value of our clients’ digital journey.”

Cox brings more than 20 years of sales leadership experience, with an extensive background in building and developing successful business units and teams. She is an expert in building top producing sales teams through strategic account planning, product development, critical partnerships, and tactical coaching. Before joining Experlogix, Cox led the acquisition of a B2B software solution to one of the world’s largest software companies.

“I am excited for the opportunity to lead the North America Sales Team as we develop and win new business by continuing to deliver best-in-class CPQ, Document Generation and Document Automation solutions.” Cox said. “I look forward to building on the company’s strong track record of success.”

“The addition of Angie and Mark to our team positions us well for even stronger growth”, says Beth Thornton, CRO of Experlogix. “Their depth of combined global experience will accelerate our results and our existing and future talent will be poised for even greater levels of success. I am very pleased with what I am seeing so far.”

Experlogix has expanded teams across multiple regions and departments over the last year, resulting in more than 100 new hires from 2021 to 2022 to support an increasingly global customer base. Worldwide, more than 600 organizations leverage Experlogix CPQ and Document Automation software with more than 100,000+ users.

About Experlogix 

Experlogix solutions simplify and humanize the most complex products and processes to unlock workflow velocity and create a better customer experience. Experlogix CPQ makes configuration and other processes faster than you ever thought possible and simpler than you dared to imagine. Experlogix Document Automation simplifies and optimizes even the most complex document processes for companies worldwide, in any industry. Experlogix — simplifying the complex.

Experlogix is a global company headquartered in Salt Lake City, with European headquarters in Veenendaal, Netherlands. We’re online at www.experlogix.com.

Photo – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1890014/Experlogix_Experlogix_Expands_Expands_Senior_Sales_Leadership_Te.jpg

At the Opening of the 5th Session of the ICYSM: OIC Secretary-General Calls for Facing the Challenges of Unemployment, Terrorism, Asylum, and Immigration

His Excellency the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), Mr. Hissein Brahim Taha, called for addressing the challenges faced by youth in OIC Member States, especially with regard to high unemployment, the spread of extremism, displacement, asylum and illegal immigration. To that end, he called for developing joint policies, strategies, and action plans to meet the needs of youth, offer them opportunities and enhance their role in development to advance the socio-economic conditions, as well as to build and promote peace and dialogue and combat extremism and terrorism.

This was part of the Secretary General’s speech before the 5th Session of the Islamic Conference of Youth and Sports Ministers (ICYMS) of the OIC Member States, hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Jeddah on 7-9 September 2022 under the theme “Development of Youth and Sports for a Solidarity-based Ummah”. Speakers at the opening session also included His Royal Highness Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al-Faisal bin Abdulaziz Al-Saud, Minister of Sport in Saudi Arabia, Chair of the current ICYSM session, H.E. Mr. Farid Gayibov, Minister of Youth and Sports in the Republic of Azerbaijan, Chair of the 4th ICYSM Session, and H.E. Dr. Mohammad bin Suleiman Al-Jasser, President of the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) Group.

The Secretary-General pointed out that Global studies indicate that the OIC geography accommodates about a quarter of the world’s youth, and it is expected that the OIC countries will have more than a third of the world’s youth by 2050, according to the United Nations world population prospects. These facts and statistics can provide opportunities for the Muslim world if the potentials of youth are appropriately harnessed, and when youth are involved in setting and implementing policies and programs on youth and sports development.

The OIC Secretary-General called for concrete actions and initiatives through launching development programs for youth in all Member States, and that the OIC Member States and relevant institutions play an active role in these programs and initiatives.

The Secretary-General expressed great thanks and appreciation to the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the OIC host country, under the leadership of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques, King Salman bin Abdulaziz, and his Crown Prince, His Royal Highness Prince Muhammad bin Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud, May Allah protect them, for the generous hosting of this session after Saudi Arabia had kindly hosted the first and second ICYSM sessions.

He highly commended the great attention and care paid by the wise leadership of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to issues related to youth and sports in the OIC Member States in particular, and for the generous care and continuous support for the OIC and its various activities and programs, in order to strengthen Islamic solidarity, and to advance the role entrusted to the OIC.

H.E extended his sincere thanks and gratitude to His Royal Highness, Prince Abdulaziz bin Turki Al-Faisal, Minister of Sport in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, for the excellent preparations and arrangements that have been made to hold this session.

He also extended Thanks to the government and people of the Republic of Azerbaijan for hosting the fourth session of this conference, especially the Ministry of Youth and Sports, headed by H.E. Minister Farid Gayibov, who spared no effort during his outstanding chairmanship of the fourth session, a matter that contributed to the development of initiatives taken under the Azerbaijan’s chairmanship of the ICYSM fourth session.

Source: Organization of Islamic Cooperation

Egyptian President Receives Phone Call from His Somali Counterpart

Cairo– President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi of the Arab Republic of Egypt received a phone call today from his Somali counterpart, Hassan Sheikh Mohamud.

During the call, they discussed ways to enhance bilateral cooperation between the two countries in various fields, the latest developments on Somalian arena as well as a number of issues of common interest.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Ministry of Culture to Host Korean K-CON Festival for First Time in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, September 8, 2022, SPA — The Minister of Culture today announced that it is scheduled to host the K-CON festival in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the first time between September 30 and October 1 in Boulevard Riyadh City, where Riyadh will host this festival over two successive days with the participation of the elite of Korean artists who present a variety of Korean cultural arts.

The festival will have an accompanying exhibition shedding light on Korean culture and a specialized zone for selling Korean products.

Hosting this international event in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is part of activating an agreement that the Ministry of Culture had signed with Korean CJ Company, enhancing international cultural exchange and attracting top festivals and international events to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Arab League: Arab-Chinese Summit to be Hosted by Saudi Arabia is a Milestone in Course of the Strategic Partnership Between the Two Sides

Cairo– The Arab League affirmed that the first Arab-Chinese summit, to be hosted by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia next December, represents a milestone in the course of the strategic partnership between Arab countries and China.

This came in the speech of the Assistant Secretary-General, who is also the Head of the Arab Affairs and National Security Sector and Supervisor of the International Political Affairs Sector at the Arab League, Ambassador Khalil Al-Thawadi, today during the opening session of the third session of the China-Arab Forum for Reform and Development, which was held through the digital platform with the Chinese side.

Al-Thawadi valued the efforts made by Chinese diplomacy to support Arab issues and find peaceful solutions to the existing crises in the region, stressing the Arab League’s keenness to strengthen its relations with China in various fields.

He called for concerted international and regional efforts to find political solutions to these crises and regional issues in accordance with international legitimacy resolutions and relevant conventions and references, to enhance opportunities for a political solution, and to reject regional interference in the internal affairs of Arab countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Dammam Valley of Saudi Arabia and Arcensus Gmb Announce Establishment of Saudi-German Genomic Center in Riyadh

Riyadh– Dammam Valley in partnership with other investment partners, and Arcensus GmbH/Germany, announced the establishment of a high-throughput Saudi-German Genomic Center in Riyadh. The Saudi-German Genomic Center will start operationally with immediate action and provides comprehensive genomic diagnostic services for the GCC region based exclusively on the most sophisticated next generation sequencing technologies.

The announcement comes as a result of the partnership between the Saudi Ministry of Investment and Dammam Valley, to explore opportunities for cooperation with local and international companies and to localize science and knowledge in the biomedical sector, in addition to building policies that facilitate access for global investors and entrepreneurs into Dammam Valley.

Based on the expertise of a cross-functional, international team of geneticists, medical experts, and data scientists, the Riyadh center will reflect one of the world’s most innovative genetic biotechnology organizations, provide its knowledge to clinical colleagues, collaborate with all medical decision makers, and support the further improvement of the Saudi healthcare infrastructure in line with the Saudi Health Vision 2030. In addition, the partners believe that with the global adoption of Whole Genome Sequencing as the first line of genetic testing, the genomic era will begin in full force and conquer the molecular medicine market in a short period of time.

The initiative to establish this state-of-the-art genomic center stems from the Kingdom’s goal to accelerate the implementation of genetic testing for the early diagnosis of diseases, particularly cancer and rare genetic disorders, but also address the preventive element in personalized medicine. The financial investment, facilitated by the Saudi Ministry of Investment and led by Dammam Valley will enable the partners to penetrate regional markets faster with their innovative solutions.

During the Center’s announcement ceremony held in Riyadh, Minister of Investment of Saudi Arabia Khalid Al-Falih said, “Today’s launch of the Saudi-German Genome Center is strategically aligned with our mission at the Ministry of Investment to localize critical industries and reinforces Saudi Arabia’s broader, long-term vision to become a biomedical and life sciences hub globally. Saudi Arabia currently spends about 235 million euros per year on genetic testing abroad and this Center represents a step towards capturing this value locally while also expanding our reach to serve the wider GCC and potentially Iraq, Pakistan, and Egypt. The Biotech sector has shown significant socioeconomic impact with double-digit growth over recent years. Venture Capital funding in the biotech sector has expanded by 31 percent over the last five years and we congratulate Dammam Valley for closing this transaction, adding yet another pillar to the Kingdom’s initiatives in this arena which include the Saudi Human Genome Program and the Kingdom’s Research, Development, and Innovation Strategy”

Also during the ceremony CEO of Dammam Valley Dr. Abdulrahman Al-Olayan added, “The establishment and short-term opening of such a state-of-the-art genetic center is central part of the Saudi Vision 2030 and a key element to establish knowledge and expertise in the region. Furthermore, it is a crucial element of the continuous improvement of the regional healthcare systems to the benefit of the entire population. All the knowledge we accumulate here will be used in the next step for the strategic development of a dynamic and vital pharmaceutical and biotech scene. We are pleased to have Arcensus GmbH/Germany as an internationally experienced partner at our side. Especially for the Arab world it is a great pleasure to have Dr. Arndt Rolfs, a highly accomplished, experienced and visionary multi-entrepreneur as a partner.”

Arcensus Founder and CEO Dr. Arndt Rolfs also said, “Especially after Dammam Valley’s investment in the company I have founded end of 2020, Arcensus GmbH, it is a logical and purposeful step to go along the path of establishing a regional center for improving genomic diagnostics with such a proven and reliable partner. The Arab countries have the challenge of improving the early and targeted diagnosis of the numerous genetic diseases. But exactly this knowledge, which can be developed here with the local medical partners, can also serve to establish a dynamic and creative regional and, in a further step, international biotech scene. We are extremely pleased to be able to contribute with our knowledge to this success in the coming years.”

Under the terms of the agreement, Dammam Valley along with other investors, will make a substantial investment in establishing the Saudi-German Genomic Center. The parties agree that Arcensus will fully operate the center. The integrity of the protected patient data will be maintained, as will the dedicated sales, marketing and life science business activities.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi-Cuban Parliamentary Friendship Committee in Shura Council Meets with its Counterpart in Cuban Parliament

Riyadh– The Saudi-Cuban Parliamentary Friendship Committee in the Shura Council, headed by Shura Council member and Chairman of the Committee Dr. Ibrahim bin Mahmoud Al-Nahhas, held a meeting, via video conference, with its counterpart in the Cuban Parliament.

The meeting, in which the members of the Shura Council and members of the Committee participated, reviewed many topics related to the importance of increasing work and communication between the Shura Council and the Cuban Parliament, and the need to hold periodic meetings between them, as well as ways to strengthen parliamentary relations, which lead to deeper and stronger bilateral relations between the two countries.

The participants also tackled a number of topics of common interest to contribute to achieving common interests and strengthening bilateral action in various fields, especially parliamentary cooperation between the Shura Council and the Cuban Parliament, stressing the need for effective cooperation between them.

The Saudi Ambassador to the Republic of Cuba, Faisal Al-Harbi, and the Ambassador of the Republic of Cuba to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Vladimir Andres Gonzalez Quesada, took part in this meeting.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

As Part of Second Phase for Developing Historical Mosques, Prince Mohammed bin Salman Project Introduces New Harmony between Historical, Aesthetic Changes for Al-Bahah, Najran Mosques

Riyadh, September 8, 2022, SPA — With a new harmony between historical and aesthetic changes, the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Project for Developing Historical Mosque restores the models of Al-Bahah and Najran regions through reviving their old architectures and maintaining their historical heritage.

In Al-Bahah, the project targeted Al-Safa Mosque in the center of Baljurashi Governorate, which is among the oldest schools of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and was built in the first Hijri century some 1350 years ago.

Some say that the first who built Al-Safa Mosque was Sufian bin Auf Al-Ghamdi, a companion of Prophet Mohammed, peace be upon him, where the mosque played a prominent social role for its being a place for the meetings of the village residents and solving their disputes between Al-Maghrib and Al-Isha prayers.

The area of the mosque before and after renovation will remain the same at 78 square meters and its capacity will be the same at 31 worshippers.

In Najran, Al-Zubair bin Al-Awwam Mosque in the western area of Najran, will witness rehabilitation and renovation for its being one of the oldest mosques that was built in 1386 Hijri during the reign of Prince Khalid bin Ahmad Al-Sudairi.

The mosque is located near the historical emirate palace in Najran to the north of King Abdulaziz Road. The mosque was first built with mud, while its mutawada (ablution) areas were built on the southern heritage pattern. The area of the mosque will remain the same at 1,436 square meters and its capacity will stand unchanged at 1,000 worshippers.

The Prince Mohammed bin Salman’s project to develop historical mosques aims to rehabilitate and restore 130 historical mosques in various regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and to highlight their civilizational and cultural dimensions by preserving their original urban characteristics.

A total of 30 mosques will be included in the second phase of the Prince Mohammed bin Salman Project for Developing Historical Mosques that covers all regions of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where these mosques will be developed according to modern mechanisms that guarantee the quality of good material and architectural designs after conducting an accurate assessment of the history, characteristics and features of every mosque.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief Launches Second and Third Volunteer Program in Indonesia

Jakarta– The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) launched the second and third volunteer program yesterday at the Institute of Islamic and Arabic Sciences of Imam Mohammad bin Saud Islamic University in Indonesia, in conjunction with the signing of a memorandum of joint cooperation between the KSrelief and the university, in partnership with the Technical and Vocational Training Corporation and SABIC, during the period from 5 to 11 September 2022.

During the project, 310 beneficiaries and 200 young men and women with low incomes have been trained on craft and professional skills in the fields of sewing and embroidery, mobile phone maintenance, electricity, first aid, rescue, traffic accident injuries, crisis, and disaster management.

This falls within the framework of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s keenness, represented by the KSrelief, to find appropriate training programs to enable young people to find income-generating sources, improve their standard of living, and enhance development efforts in countries in need.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

FII Holds Press Conference on its Sixth Edition

Riyadh– Future Investment Initiative (FII) Institute held a press conference, attended by the Foundation’s CEO Richard Attias, its leaders, and several representatives of its strategic partners. During the presser, Attias reviewed the FII’s prominent achievements in the previous period, noting that the FII is non-profit and carries out several initiatives to make a positive impact on humanity and that it is a platform to support the economy and help youth, stressing that the priority before the pandemic is different from the priority after it.

The CEO highlighted FII’s 6th edition, which will be held from 25-27 October 2022, entitled “Investing in Humanity: Enabling a New Global Order”, as well as the conference that FII will have in New York on September 22, 2022, on the sidelines of the United Nations General Assembly entitled “Priority”.

He stated that among the priorities of the initiative are artificial intelligence, health care, education, and providing solutions that help sustainability, stressing that the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 focuses on supporting people through quality of life, sports, education, and Green Riyadh.

During the conference, Attias touched on the keynote speakers who will participate in the conference, stressing that many important and influential figures will participate during the sessions, addressing the most critical topics that will be discussed, including space, inflation, energy, and the cryptocurrency economy.

Chief Operating Officer Rakan Tarabzoni reiterated that the FII had undertaken several initiatives, including a methodology for emerging markets and a global indicator of infectious diseases.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Over 200 Speakers from 70 Countries to Convene at Global AI Summit on September 13

Riyadh– The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia – through hosting the 2nd Global AI Summit under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Defense, and Chairman of Board of Directors of the Saudi Data and AI Authority (SDAIA) – seeks to realize its aspirations in global entrepreneurship through an economy based on data and AI and stress the importance of international cooperation for the use of AI to the good of humanity and its role in realizing the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals.

The summit will be held under the theme “Artificial Intelligence for the Good of Humanity” at the headquarters of the King Abdul Aziz International Conference Center in Riyadh between September 13 and 15, 2022, and is considered an opportunity for stakeholders and experts in this field to benefit from the participation of more than 200 speakers from 70 countries, representing policymakers in AI, heads of global technological companies in the world, and senior officials from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including ministers, to check on what is addressed in 100 work sessions of information on AI, multiple uses and its impact on the life of humans, in the presence of more than 3,000 people.

The summit is scheduled to go over all aspects related to AI technologies in terms of the current conditions, challenges and aspirations towards utilizing AI technologies in our daily lives to serve humanity. The summit will also include various presentations shedding light on the latest relevant research and technologies, exchanging expertise with international and local experts, and exploring investment opportunities related to AI technologies.

The summit will be discussing eight pillars, including: First, Smart Cities: How can we embrace AI to turn cities into accessible, personalized and human-centered ecosystems of digital citizens? Second, Capacity Building: How can we reshape the future of human potential and social capital, from adaptive to multi-inclusive life-long education that fits everyone?

Third, HealthCare: How can we advance patients’ ecosystems, identity and data, from drug research and development to future medical facilities, services and profiles? Fourth, Transportation: From autonomous vehicles to seamless and traffic efficient loops and logistics that connect future communities and individuals with seamless access to everything.

Fifth, Energy: How can we embrace AI behind solar panels and energy efficiency technologies, fight climate change and build the bridges between energy capitals? Sixth, Culture: From Arabic AI to global role models and AI equity movement, how can we embrace convergence of culture and AI, social science and technology?

Seventh, Environment: How can we leverage the convergence of AI and data science to analyze the planet, fight climate change, and build a better sustainable future? And eighth, Economic Mobility: From finances to economic and social institutions, how can we make our world more connected, decentralized and accessible for everyone?

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is distinguished by enjoying an enriching environmental diversity according to global standards, and invested in all means to preserve and develop it, including the utilization of AI to build cognitive cities that serve humanity in light of a modern life as we can see in NEOM.

In this regard, NEOM is one of the main projects of the Saudi Vision 2030 that invests in AI to utilize it for serving humanity and building cognitive smart cities, where NEOM seeks to offer a unique global model that realizes sustainability and ideal living in harmony with the nature in reliance on advanced digital technologies.

It is worth mentioning that the first edition of the summit, which was held virtually two years ago under the patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz, Crown Prince, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, has received a remarkable global presence and attention, where views of the summit on social media networks exceeded five million.

Source: Saudi Press Agency