‫أول احتفال لليوم الوطني السعودي على “الميتا فيرس”

–  مجموعة بولد تحتفي باليوم الوطني السعودي الثاني والتسعين على “الميتا فيرس”

–  برعاية من دارة الملك عبد العزيز للأبحاث

الرياض، المملكة العربية السعودية, 18 سبتمبر / أيلول 2022 /PRNewswire/ — بعد توسعها الأخير، حققت مجموعة بولد “The Bold Group” أول إنجاز لها بعد ان أضافت احتفال اليوم الوطني السعودي الـ 92 فيالواقع المعزز “ميتا فيرس” “Metaverse“. وطورت مجموعة بولد تجربة اليوم الوطني على المنصة، لتنفرد بهذه التجربة الاولى من نوعها، من خلال عرض ثقافي سعودي في العالم الرقمي الجديد. وسيبدأ الاحتفال الافتراضي باليوم الوطني السعودي، في 22 سبتمبر ولغاية 24 سبتمبر 2022.  The Bold Group

تعتبر “ميتا فيرس” “ Metaverse ” مفهوم للعالم الافتراضي المُستمر عبر الإنترنت، ثلاثي الأبعاد، ويجمع بين العديد من المساحات الافتراضية، المعززة والمختلفة. يتيح للمستخدمين العمل واللقاء واللعب والتواصل الاجتماعي عبر هذه المساحات ثلاثية الأبعاد. وهناك طلب متزايد على “الميتا فيرس” بالرغم من أنها تقنية ناشئة، حيث يوجد بعض العلامات التجارية والبلدان ترى بالـ “ميتا فيرس” قناة جديدة تستطيع الاستفادة منها، وبات تبني هذه التقنية يزداد بشكلٍ سريع في جميع أن حاء العالم. في المملكة العربية السعودية، غامرت مجموعة بولد وكانت من ضمن الأوائل الذين يستخدمون هذه التقنية غير المقيدة، حيث قامت بتفعيل الـ “ Metaverse ” من خلال استخدامه كمنصة للزوار للقيام بجولة في المملكة العربية السعودية، والتفاعل مع مختلف جوانب الثقافة السعودية، واستكشاف المعالم، والطعام، والموسيقى والفن السعودي بالإضافة الى المزيد في مكانٍ واحد.

ولأجل هذه المبادرة الأولى من نوعها، رعت دارة الملك عبد العزيز للأبحاث مجموعة بولد لتقديم تجربة مستخدم مميزة ونابضة بالحياة، وذلك من خلال توفير المحتوى المحلي الثقافي عن السعودية لتفعيل دور المتحف في الميتافيرس. حيث تلعب دارة الملك عبد العزيز للأبحاث دوراً محوريا في تق ديم هذه التجربة الثقافة التي لا مثيل لها والتي تسعى إلى تعريف الأجيال القادمة بتاريخ وتراث المملكة العربية السعودية العظيمين، وتجعله في متناول العالم أجمع.

وقالت عبير العيسى، الشريك المؤسس والرئيسة التنفيذية لمجموعة بولد: “تحتل مجموعة بولد المراكز الأولى في الابتكار في صناعة التسويق المحلية. ونقوم الآن بتفعيل الـ “ميتا فيرس” بطريقة جاذبة للجمهور المحلي من خلال الاحتفاء باليوم الوطني السعودي عبر “الميتا فيرس”، بعد أن دمجنا الماضي والمستقبل. وسنحتفي بتاريخ المملكة العربية السعودية حفاظاً على تراثنا، كما سنعرضه بكل فخر، عبر العالم الافتراضي من خلال التقنية الرقمية”. وتابعت العيسى: “كان تركيزنا دائماً على تقديم قيمة لشركائنا ومجتمعنا، وتعتبر هذه التجربة الفريدة تمهيد الطريق للآخرين لاكتشاف فرص جديدة ومميزة في السوق. وتماشياً مع التحول الذي تشهده المملكة ورؤية 2030، تتبنى مجموعة بولد التغيير وتسعى جاهدة لتكون رائدة في التقنيات الجديدة والناشئة في المجال الرقمي”.

ستُعرض تجربة اليوم الوطني السعودي المتعددة الأوجه والتابعة لمجموعة بولد، على “ميتا فيرس” تحديداً على منصة “ديسينترالاند” “ Decentraland “. وستَعرض التجربة عروض متعددة للثقافة السعودية، وذلك في متحف افتراضي في الهواء الطلق، حيث كل عرض سيقدم أوجه مختلفة لجمال المملكة العربية السعودية. وستتضمن التجربة أيضاً، الملابس الوطنية السعودية المصممة حصرياً للفعالية، والتي تم إنشاؤها واستلهامها من مناطق مختلفة في المملكة. وسيتم توفير هذه القطع المميزة على شكل “أن أف تي” “ NFT “، والتي يمكن لزوار الفعالية ارتداؤها. كما ستقدم مجموعة بولد POAP (بروتوكول إثبات الحضور) كإصدار محدود من “ NFT ” يمكن للمستخدمين استخدامه لعرض مشاركتهم بفخر في أول احتفال افتراضي في العالم، باليوم الوطني السعودي على منصة “ميتا فيرس”.

وقال زياد أبو رجيلي، مدير التكنولوجيا الإبداعي في وحدة الابتكار الرقمي في مجموعة بولد: “نشهد اليوم تحولاً كبيراً في الصناعة الرقمية السعودية وأصبحت المملكة العربية السعودية من أبرز اللاعبين الرئيسيين في المشهد الرقمي العالمي، وذلك بفضل التطورات التي حققتها رؤية السعودية 2030. وتُعد التقنيات الناشئة مثل “ميتا فيرس” هي المستقبل، ونحن في مجموعة بولد نهدف لنكون من أبرز اللاعبين الرئيسين في رحلة التطور التي تقودها المملكة. ولقد استلهمنا فكرة اضافت اليوم الوطني السعودي على “الميتا فيرس” والاحتفال بهذا اليوم التاريخي، من التحدي المتمثل في جمع الناس عبر 13 منطقة مختلفة من أنحاء المملكة، وبذلك يستطيع الجميع الاحتفال باليوم الوطني للمملكة العربية السعودية على مساحة افتراضية واحدة.”

إن معظم سكان المملكة العربية السعودية من الشباب والشابات ويبرز التحول الرقمي في صميم تطور المملكة، حيث تهدف إلى أن تكون مركزاً عالمياً للتكنولوجيا. ويتمتع المجتمع السعودي بالدهاء الرقمي، ومع وجود تقنيات كتقنية Metaverse وغيرها من التقنيات الرائدة التي لا تزال في المراحل الأولى من التطوير، فإن إمكانات المجتمعات السعودي والعلامات التجارية المحلية أصبحت استثنائية. ومع انتقال مجموعة بولد الجديدة إلى التخصصات، تبحث المجموعة على الدوام عن الاستثمار بتقنيات جديدة ذات خبرات عالية تتيح نتائج غير مسبوقة لشركائها.

لحضور الفعالية وللمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى زيارة: saudionmeta.com

نبذة عن المجموعة:

تعتبر مجموعة بولد “ The Bold Group ” نظام “أيكولوجي” إبداعي وسعودي متكامل ومستقل، تقوده ثلاث وحدات تضم: “بولد براندس” Bold Brands و”بولد كومينيكيشن” Bold Communications و”بولد اكسبرينس” Bold Experiences . وتعتبر هذه الركائز هي المجالات الرئيسية التي تقدمها مجموعة بولد بشكلٍ فريدة ومبتكر، نظراً لخبرتها الواسعة في التواصل والتسويق محلياً، فضلاً عن رؤيتها الواضحة لمستقبل التسويق والإعلان في المملكة العربية السعودية. حازت مجموعة بولد على جوائز متعددة التخصصات، وعُرفت بقيادتها الاستراتيجية ودوافعها الثقافية وشغفها الابداعي. منذ إنشاء المجموعة، تطورت بولد إلى مجموعة تضم أكثر من 70 محترفاً، منتشرة عبر مكتبين في الرياض ومصر، مع أكثر من 180 عميل. وأبرز عملاء بولد: “سناب شات” وشركة المراعي ووزارة الثقافة السعودية ومؤسسة الوليد للإنسانية و”دومينوز” وفلاي ناس ومطارات الرياض والشركة السعودية للشحن ووزارة السياحة السعودية و stc Solutions .

فيديو – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1901253/Bold_Group_Metaverse.mp4
الصورة – https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1901252/The_Bold_Group.jpg


Minister of Economy and Planning Meets with Singaporean Ministers, Officials, to Deepen Economic Ties

Singapore– Minister of Economy and Planning Faisal bin Fadhil Alibrahim met with ministers and senior leaders during an official visit to the Republic of Singapore to strengthen bilateral cooperation between the two nations.

The meetings in Singapore were also attended by Ambassador of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques to the Republic of Singapore Abdullah bin Mohammed Almadhi.

The Minister of Economy and Planning visited Parliament House for high-level talks with Singapore’s Minister for Foreign Affairs Dr. Vivian Balakrishnan. They exchanged views on the best methods to strengthen bilateral relations between the Kingdom and Singapore and expressed a shared desire to promote prosperity and economic progress for the benefit of both nations.

He also met with Singapore’s Minister for Education Chan Chun Sing at the Ministry of Education, where they spoke about the importance of empowering youth and fostering a culture of lifelong learning.

Alibrahim then met with Chairman of the Singapore Economic Development Board Dr. Beh Swan Gin, to discuss the importance of sharing knowledge and accelerating the digital transformation to create smarter, renewable and sustainable cities.

Meetings with key private sector figures were also organized for the Minister of Economy and Planning to understand how the island-nation rapidly became a high-income economy with some of the best human capability development programs in the world.

As a major trade hub, Alibrahim was received by Regional CEO for the Middle East and Africa and Head of Group Business Development at PSA International Wan Chee Foong. They met at the Singapore Port Authority’s headquarters after meeting local logistics businesses.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

“Economic and Social Mobility”… a Workshop within Work of Global AI Summit

Riyadh– A workshop entitled “Economic and Social Mobility” was held today, as part of the activities taking place on the sidelines of the 2nd Global AI Summit, organized by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority “SDAIA”, under the theme “AI for the Good of Humanity” at King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh.

The workshop discussed the open value provided by artificial intelligence and touched upon organizations around the world that are looking to employ data and artificial intelligence techniques to accelerate the achievement of their objectives and visions.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

NEOM is a Business Model that will have a Vision, Economy, and Legislation that Attracts Best Local and International Expertise, NEOM CEO Says

Riyadh– NEOM CEO Eng. Nadhmi Al-Nasr said that artificial intelligence is the beating heart of NEOM and that it will lead the future in modern designs and technologies, adding that the NEOM in the past five years surpassed expectations by transforming its vision into strategies in cooperation with various partners.

This came during Al-Nasr’s speech in a session entitled “Artificial Intelligence for Digital Twins” held during the 2nd Global AI Summit, which kicked off today at the King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh.

“NEOM is not only a project but it is a business model and will have a vision, economy, and legislation that will attract the best expertise from the Kingdom and around the world,” Al-Nasr said, adding that “The Line project”, which will be the future of the world, will depend entirely on the use of artificial intelligence.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

During Global AI Summit, Ministry of Energy, SDAIA Announce Agreement between Artificial Intelligence Center for Energy, Siemens Advanta to Develop AI Solutions for Energy Sector

Riyadh– The Ministry of Energy and the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority (SDAIA) announced today signing an agreement between the Artificial Intelligence Center for Energy and Siemens Advanta to develop AI solutions for the energy sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to contribute to increasing the efficiency of energy and enhance integration of renewable energy resources.

The announcement was made during the 2nd Global AI Summit that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is hosting between September 13 and 15, 2022.

The National Center for AI CEO Dr. Majid Al-Twijiri and CEO of Siemens Saudi Ahmad Al-Hosawi signed the agreement in the presence of Assistant Minister of Energy for Development and Excellence Eng. Ahmad Al-Zahrani.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Second Saudi International Iron and Steel Conference Reviews Saudi and GCC Efforts to Develop Steel Industry

Riyadh– The “Second Saudi International Iron and Steel Conference” continued its second day, with participation of a group of industry leaders, and investors in the sector in Saudi Arabia and the world. Five working sessions were held that dealt with the prospects and future of Iron and Steel industry in the industrial, economic and urban development.

In the opening speech of the first session, Secretary General of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) for the Arab States, Dr. Nayef Al-Hajraf, stressed the need to address the challenges facing the iron industry, stating that the Coronavirus pandemic and the Russian-Ukrainian war led to the disruption of supply chains and damaged the global economy along with the energy crisis. He added that GCC states adopt regional and international cooperation to meet these challenges.

Following, Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, Eng. Osama Al-Zamil, and Deputy Minister of Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources, Eng. Khaled Al-Mudaifer, confirmed that Saudi Arabia is a pioneer in the petrochemical industries, and has been distinguished in the iron and steel industry, pointing out that SABIC and its ilk have invested a lot in developing their capabilities in this industry.

The second-day conference witnessed an intense activity of research and in-depth discussion through four scientific sessions, with the participation of government speakers and executives of major companies in the iron and steel industries.

The second session of the conference was entitled “The Status of the Iron and Steel Market in the Middle East and North Africa”, while the third session entitled “Game Changers in the Global Iron and Steel Market”.

The fourth and final session on the second day of the conference is entitled “Supply Chains, Energy, and Raw Materials”, addressing the crisis facing the supply chains and raw materials that resulted from the Coronavirus pandemic in 2020 and 2021 and impact of the Russian-Ukrainian war.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Stock Exchange Main Index Ends Trading Higher at 12084 Points

Riyadh– Saudi Stock Exchange’s main index ended trading higher here today, gaining 62.33 points to close at 12084.45 points.

The total value of the trading reported was SAR 5.3 billion, while the toll of shares traded was 137 million, divided into over 300,000 deals.

The Saudi Parallel Market Index (NOMU) ended the day gaining 97.49 points, to close at 20997.43 points, with a valuation of SAR 35.1 million and an overall tally of more than 580,000 stocks traded and divided into as many as 2,570 deals.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources issues 30 industrial licenses last July

Riyadh– The Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources said it issued 30 new industrial licenses in July. The manufacturing of food products, molded metal products, and other nonmetallic metals each received three licenses, while the furniture industry activity received seven licenses, making it the recipient of the greatest number of licenses.

According to a report released by the Ministry’s National Center for Industrial and Mining Information, the total number of industrial licenses issued by the Ministry since the beginning of this year until the end of July reached 531.On the other hand, the number of existing and under-establishment factories in the Kingdom as of the end of the same month reached 10,685 thousand, with an investment volume of 1.367 trillion riyals.

The report pointed out that the new industrial license investments totaled 973 million riyals for the month of July. Small businesses accounted for most of these investments 86.67%, followed by medium-sized enterprises 13.33%. National factories recorded the highest share of all licenses issued by investment type 73.33%, followed by foreign businesses 20% and businesses with joint investments 6.67%.

The National Center for Industrial and Mining Information reported that 22 factories started production in July with an investment of SR 548 million, the majority of which were food factories totaling 9, followed by paper factories totaling 4 and nonmetallic metal factories totaling 4. Production also started in two molded metal factories and one factory for beverage, furniture, and chemical activities. Joint-capital factories came in second with 4.55%, and national factories made up the remaining 95.45%.

According to the report, the new industrial licenses were distributed among five administrative districts, with the Riyadh region receiving the most 15 licenses – followed by the Eastern Province, which had seven licenses, the Makkah region, which had six, and the Qassim and Medina regions, which each had one license.

The most significant industrial indicators that show the type of industrial activity in the Kingdom, the degree of change in new industrial investments, and the number of jobs provided by the sector are released monthly by the Ministry of Industry and Mineral Resources through the national center for industrial and mining information.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Experts Discuss Innovation-Entrepreneurship Role in Developing Desalination During Future of Desalination International Conference in Riyadh

Riyadh– The Future of Desalination International Conference in Riyadh hosted, during its first day of events on Monday, an opening plenary session on innovation and entrepreneurship to discuss the ever-growing development of desalination technologies and the future aspects of innovation in this thriving industry.

The session was chaired by Peter Terium, the CEO of ENOWA, Neom, Saudi Arabia, who led the discussion among some world-class professors and innovation leaders in the desalination industry.

During the session, Terium and the other distinguished speakers emphasized on the need to see a disruptive change on how to accelerate the pace of innovation in desalination in order to further advance the rapid development of the industry.

Considering the city of Neom as a clean start and a fertile environment for desalination innovations, Terium mentioned that “Neom is the land of the future that is powered by ideas and is there to exceed boundaries. It is also where great minds and best talents exist in an inspirational world”.

Describing the Neom environment as quite a challenge, Terium emphasized on the delicacy of the environment nature of the red sea and the need to mitigate and adapt to the impact of climate change. He also mentioned the importance of promoting new ways of preventing environmental degradation, which are solutions that can be offered later to the world once achieved in Neom.

As for the desalination impact in Neom, Terium explained how they aim to absolutely zero brine discharge and that the only way forward is solving the brine puzzle and how to profit from it to further contribute to lowering the costs of desalination.

The session included some invaluable discussions about how to harness innovations to make profits through entrepreneurship.

Dr. Kevin Cullen, VP for Innovation at King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), explained that more brilliant ideas always come from deeper search for more valuable resources.

Confirming the value of ideas, Dr. Kamal Youcef-Toumi, Engineering Professor at MIT, mentioned that “ideas are the perfect way to make a new ecosystem and that is why we need to nurture, support and develop ideas”.

Experts made clear that collaboration is the only way to bring fresh ideas to the table. “We trained thousands of people and collaborated with several companies to develop an economic system of desalination,” said Dr. Cullen.

Nicolaas Pannekeet, the Managing Partner at Pureterra Ventures, emphasized the importance of collaboration between the private sector and universities, which, according to him, contributed in boosting investment and producing innovations in desalination.

On the other side, Prof. Yoram Cohen, Distinguished Professor at the University of California, mentioned that past experiences are the key factor in making future plans and creating new solutions for desalination.

The discussion also included the importance of a healthy system to manage the whole process.

“The regulations of desalination needs to be updated around the world to be an enabler and a stimuli of the companies development and achievement of positive results for desalination,” Pannekeet noted.

Prof. Cohen also mentioned: “The emerging technology developments have a positive effect on innovation. If we think about it; we all have mobile phones and cars, and the system defines everything around us. Why don’t we do the same for desalination?”

Source: Saudi Press Agency

EDM Council and National Data Management Office Cooperate to Enhance Data Management Culture Across Saudi Arabia

New York– EDM Council, a cross-industry trade association focused on data management and analytics best practices, has entered into a cooperation agreement with the National Data Management Office (NDMO), part of the Saudi Data & AI Authority, to create greater awareness around data literacy and establish a national data management culture across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The agreement makes NDMO the first EDM Council member in KSA.

A key part of this cooperation will have EDM Council and NDMO translate EDM Council’s DCAM™ – the Data Management Capability Assessment Model into Arabic to meet KSA’s needs. DCAM has been instrumental in helping firms around the world and across multiple industries implement the best practices needed to successfully drive data management across their organizations.

In addition to translating DCAM into Arabic, the cooperation will provide virtual open courses, dedicated courses and certifications in data management and data literacy best practices through EDM Council and its strategic partner eLearningCurve; Empower NDMO to benefit from EDM Council’s expansive network of global members and regulators help foster an ecosystem of data management training partners in KSAEstablish special interest groups and forums for data management professionals in KSA.

This cooperation with the EDM Council is an important step in fostering better data management best practices nationwide. Data is quickly becoming one of the most important assets to any organization so it’s imperative that firms have the necessary protocols in place to not only manage it but analyze it and leverage the insights that it can provide.

In addition to addressing data management best practices, DCAM ensures an organization’s data can support digital transformation, advanced analytics such as AI and ML, and data ethics.

“Bringing DCAM to the data management professionals of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and helping them to establish a robust data management culture is a watershed moment for the industry and the country,” said John Bottega, President of the EDM Council. “This is an exciting new venture for The Council and we’re eager to begin working with the NDMO team to support their implementation of these capabilities across the country.”

The cooperation agreement will be formally introduced during the Global AI Summit taking place between September 13-15 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Arabia Participates in 3rd Experts Meeting of G20 States for Cultural Track

Riyadh– The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia participated yesterday in the 3rd experts meeting of the G20 states 2022, organized by the Republic of Indonesia, which holds the current G20 Presidency, to discuss the countries’ comments on the final statement of the Culture Ministers, within the framework of the cultural track on the sidelines of the G20’s agenda, which is the “Cultural Sherpa Track” that was developed during the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s assumption of the presidency of the summit, in 2020.

The “Cultural Sherpa Path” is an initiative of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as part of its endeavors to create an effective international dialogue in which the most important global cultural issues were discussed.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

A Session Titled “Building Linguistic Data Sources and Automatic Processing of Arabic Language” was Held at Global AI Summit

Riyadh— A session titled “Building Linguistic Data Sources and Automatic Processing of Arabic Language” was held today on the sidelines of the 2nd Global AI Summit, organized by the Saudi Data and Artificial Intelligence Authority “SDAIA” under the theme “AI for the Good of Humanity” at King Abdulaziz International Conference Center in Riyadh.

The session was attended by Dr. Afrah Al-Tamimi from King Salman International Complex for the Arabic Language, Abdulmohsen Al-Thubaiti, a researcher at King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology, and Mansour Al-Ghamdi from the Education and Training Evaluation Commission.

It discussed the role of artificial intelligence in Arabic language processing and reviewed the Complex’s projects and efforts to improve the sources of the data and the automated processing of the Arabic language.

Source: Saudi Press Agency