Arab League: Boycotting Israel is Effective and Legitimate to End Its Occupation

Cairo, The Arab League emphasized the significance of the Arab boycott of Israel as an occupying power and a colonial system, highlighting it as a vital and legitimate method to resist and ultimately end these practices.

The Arab League Assistant Secretary General for Palestine and the Occupied Arab Territories, Ambassador Saeed Abu Ali, underscored during his address at the Conference of the Liaison Officers of the Arab Regional Offices on the Boycott of Israel, held on Wednesday, that Arab summits and ministerial councils have consistently emphasized the importance of urging institutions, companies, and individuals to cease all forms of engagement with Israeli settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. This includes prohibiting the import of their products and refraining from direct or indirect investment, actions deemed to violate international law.

Abu Ali further advocated for the activation and enhancement of regional boycott offices across Arab countries. He stressed the need for increas
ed coordination, cooperation, and information exchange among these offices to strengthen the boycott’s effectiveness during this critical period for the Palestinian cause, amidst ongoing attempts to undermine it.

Source: Saudi Press Agency