Turkish regime continues Turkification of occupied Syrian regions

Damascus, The Turkish regime went ahead in its practices and crimes against the Syrians that aim to Turkify areas which it occupies in Syrian territories.

Local sources in Idleb revealed that the Turkish occupation and its mercenaries intends to establish the so-called “General Secretariat of the Civil Registry” in the province which will be directly affiliated to the occupation authorities in addition to establishing local councils in the cities, towns and villages which are still under the control of terrorists.

This method and approach of Turkish regime imitates crimes of Israeli occupation authorities against Syrian citizens in the occupied Syrian Golan in a repeated attempt to usurp the Syrian identity from the occupied areas through changing the names of streets, schools and major landmarks in the occupied cities and towns.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Syrian communities in Australia and Bulgaria celebrate winning of Dr. Bashar al-Assad in Presidential election

Sydney, Members of the Syrian community in Australia celebrated the success of the presidential election and winning of Dr. Bashar al-Assad with the post of the President of the Republic during a massive national event held at the Syrian Consulate in Sydney, with the participation of a number of members of the Arab community.

Honorary Consul of Syria in Sydney, Dr.Maher Dabbagh affirmed that the Syrian people did not submit to pressures of the Western countries hostile to Syria, saluting the heroes of Syrian Arab Army who is fighting terrorism, , the martyrs who shed their blood on Syrian land to achieve victory, and the wounded army personnel whose wounds did not deter them from participating in the process of rebuilding what has been destroyed by terrorism.

The participants noted that the presidential election confirmed the Syrians’ rejection of foreign interference in their country’s affairs and that is a new victory for a new phase in which Syria will move to safety and reconstruction and complete the liberation of its entire territory from occupation and terrorism.

In the same context, Professor Tim Anderson, author of the book “The Dirty War on Syria,” said in a statement to the Syrian Consulate in Sydney that the wide popular support for President al-Assad constitutes a clear victory over the terrorism which targeted Syria with support of countries of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

“This triumph has been achieved thanks to sacrifices of the Syrian Arab Army and its allies , and the steadfastness of the Syrian people in the fight against terrorism and foreign occupation ,”said Anderson

In the same context, members and representatives of the Syrian community in Bulgaria held a national event at the headquarter of the Syrian Embassy in Sofia , in celebration of Dr. Bashar al-Assad winning in the presidential election.

A number of representatives of Arab communities, a number of intellectual figures of Bulgaria, and the Syrian university students in the Bulgarian universities participated in the event.

The charge d’affaires of the Syrian Embassy in Bulgaria Mohammed Mohammed pointed out to the massive turnout by the Syria Expatriates in Bulgaria to ballot boxes which constituted a confirmation of their belonging to their homeland.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

Saudi Central Bank Organizes Virtually its Second Quarterly Workshop on Islamic Finance for 2021

Riyadh, Deputy Governor of the Saudi Central Bank “SAMA” for Research and International Affairs Dr. Fahad bin Abdullah Al-Dossari opened SAMA’s second virtual workshop on Islamic Finance for 2021 on Thursday, June 3, under the title “The Contribution of Research and Development in the Islamic Finance Industry.” A number of participants including industry experts and those interested in the sector attended the workshop. The quarterly workshop focuses on Islamic Finance sponsored by SAMA, aimed at discussing current topics concerning the sector.

In his welcoming remarks, the Deputy Governor highlighted the importance of qualitative developments in the industry, most notably research and development as being a strategic pillar that assesses the developments and challenges for the industry with a forward looking approach to launching innovative products for future economic growth and financial stability. He also touched on the most prominent qualitative developments taking place in the Islamic financial industry in Saudi Arabia, including the joint Islamic Finance research initiative launched by SAMA. He also referred to the role of the Shariah Governance Framework for banks operating in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia issued in February 2020 in supporting the research and development system in the Islamic banking industry. In this context, the Deputy Governor highlighted the important role of Saudi Universities in developing the research and development system and the continuous cooperation of SAMA with universities.

The workshop included three main themes in three successive sessions. The first session discussed research and development and their role in the development of the Islamic finance industry.

The second session discussed the pillar related to the pivotal areas that shape the focus of research and development in the Islamic finance industry, important achievements, and future research trends. The third and concluding session discussed recent innovations and practical applications in Islamic finance and their expected additional value.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Public Investment Fund Holds Partnership with E1 Series to Launch World’s First Electric Powerboats Championship

Riyadh, The Public Investment Fund (PIF) here today announced signing an agreement with Electric Sea Racing Limited (E1 Series) to create the world’s first electric powerboat racing championship.

The partnership forms a main step in creating the championship and speeding up preparations for the debut season scheduled to take place in early 2023, where the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is among candidate locations to host the first edition of the race.

The partnership was announced during a virtual inauguration ceremony that saw the participation of the E1 Series senior officials, where the ceremony also witnessed announcing the new designs of the electric powerboats RaceBirds.

The PIF is considered a major contributor to the global economy and a main driver for efforts of the digital transformation for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, where this investment accords with the PIF’s 2021-2025 strategy that focuses on 13 strategic sectors, including entertainment, tourism and sports, service facilities and renewable energy. The PIF’s investments in future industries are seen in several companies and projects, such as ACWA Power Company, Sudair Project in the renewable energy industry, and Lucid Motors in the electric vehicles industry.

Governor of the Public Investment Fund Yasir Al-Rumayyan said: “We are proud to establish this unique partnership in a sport with a new concept, which comes within the PIF’s strategy to enable innovation globally, open new horizons for future industries, and build up strategic economic partnerships. We believe that our support for new technologies in the sports sector will also contribute to the development of various strategic sectors locally and globally.”

“Our partnership with E1 Series will contribute to the efforts of developing the sustainable technology, which will boost the status of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the future industries and enable it to provide more development opportunities that are important for the national economy.”, he added.

Co-Founder and Chairman of E1 Series Alejandro Agag expressed pride in the partnership with the PIF in this vital project, noting that the support of the fund in this development stage stresses the importance of the upcoming championship and embodies ambition to make a revolution in the industry of marine mobility. He also said that the new design of the RaceBird boat will contribute to accelerate the pace of changing the industry and providing sustainable solutions for entertainment and tourist vessels in the future, expressing hope to work with the PIF to move forwards towards a new era of fast electric powerboats.

Co-Founder and CEO of E1 Series Rodi Basso also expressed happiness for working side by side with the PIF to shape the future of powerboats, noting that establishing a strong partnership with a proper partner like the PIF provides a solid foundation that can open horizons for creating a new sport. He also said that the RaceBird powerboat has formed a unique challenge for the engineering team responsible for its development before they managed to include several practical solutions that can qualify it strongly to participate in upcoming races.

It is worth mentioning that the PIF has contributed to developing and stimulating the entertainment, tourism and sports sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia as part of the Saudi Vision 2030 through supporting high-level sports events, such as supporting the heavyweight world boxing championship and Diriyah E-prix.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

1,161 New Confirmed COVID-19 Cases, 1,216 Recoveries Reported in Saudi Arabia

Riyadh, The Ministry of Health announced, in a statement here today, that 1,161 new confirmed cases of the novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) have been reported in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, bringing the total number to 458,707, including 9,376 active cases.

Of these, there are 1,579 critical cases, while the health condition of the rest is stable.

It added that 15 new deaths have been reported; putting the tally of fatalities, at 7,471.

Meanwhile, as many as 1,216 cases have recovered, raising recoveries’ toll to 441,860.

On the other hand, 86,073 new laboratory tests were conducted, in the last 24-hour, across the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

KSrelief Performs 154 Surgeries as Part of Medical Campaign to Combat Blindness in Nigeria

Abuja, The Voluntary Medical Team of King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief) participating in the campaign to combat blindness and related diseases from 6 to 13 June 2021, in the Republic of Nigeria has examined 1,295 cases and performed 154 surgeries, in addition to distributing 231 eyeglasses and dispensing 608 prescriptions, benefiting families and individuals with limited income who are not able to cover the costs of treatment.

The campaign, provided by KSrelief, Saudi Arabia relief arm, aims to treat people with eye diseases and provide them with the necessary medical care in a number of needy countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Tunisian Prime Minister Meets with Minister of Tourism

Tunis, Tunisian Prime Minister Hichem Mechichi received here today the Minister of Tourism of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ahmed bin Aqeel Al-Khateeb.

During the meeting, relations between the two countries and ways of joint cooperation in the field of tourism were discussed.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Syrian national football team beats Guam, leads group A of Asia and World Cup qualifiers

Abu Dhabi, The Syrian national football team topped Group A of the joint qualifiers for the World Cup in Qatar 2022 and the Asian Cup in China 2023 after beating Guam on Monday 3-0 in a match that was held at Sharjah Stadium.

With this result, the Syrian team raised its points to 21 in the first place, followed by China with 11 points.

The Syrian team had earlier qualified for the Asian finals and the decisive role of the World Cup qualifiers after beating Maldives 4-0.

Philippines comes third with 7 points, the Maldives is the fourth with six points and Guam comes in the bottom with no points.

Source: Syrian Arab News Agency

رئيس وزراء دولة دومينيكا يقدم تحديثًا حول المطار الدولي وأهمية المواطنة عن طريق صناديق الاستثمار للقطاع العام

لندن، 6 يونيو 2021 /PRNewswire/ — خلال أحد البرامج الحكومية، قدم رئيس الوزراء روزفلت سكيريت من كومنولث دومينيكا للمشاهدين تحديثًا حول المطار الدولي المتوقع. وقعت الحكومة الآن رسميًا اتفاقية مع مؤسسة مونتريال الإدارية الاستشارية لبناء المطار بتمويل كامل من  برنامج المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمارCitizenship by Investment (CBI) Programme الخاصة بالدولة.

انضم مدير المشروع، كولين ماكنتاير، إلى رئيس الوزراء لمناقشة أهمية استخدام أموال برنامج المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمار بدلاً من الحصول على قروض من شأنها أن تثقل كاهل دافعي الضرائب وتولد ديونًا إضافية. كما استعرض رئيس الوزراء سكيريت أوجه الاستفادة من الأموال، مع توضيح شفافية الحكومة. ويتضمن ذلك ميزانية لبناء المطار مع تخصيص الحكومة لمخصصات برنامج المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمار للوفاء بالمبلغ المدرج في الميزانية.

كما أشار رئيس الوزراء، سكيريت، إلى مدى أهمية البرنامج للقطاع العام ككل: “نشكر الله على برنامج المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمار والفرص العديدة التي أتاحها البرنامج لبلدنا. […] تُستخدم أموال البرنامج لمشاريع استثمار القطاع العام [مثل] الطرق والجسور والمدارس والإسكان والمراكز الصحية والمستشفيات وسداد أغلى ديوننا. نحن في الحقيقة لم نستخدم أموال برنامج المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمار للإنفاق المتكرر إلا بعد إعصار ماريا”.

وفي الآونة الأخيرة، ساهمت أموال البرنامج (المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمار) في بناء مستشفى على أحدث طراز، ومشروع إسكان موسع، و 12 مركزًا صحيًا في الجزيرة. تم تأكيد شفافية البرنامج من قبل الهيئات المستقلة، بما في ذلك شركة برايس ووتر هاوس كوبرز (Pricewaterhouse Coopers)، التي قامت بمراجعة البرنامج وتحليل نفقاته في تقرير عام 2019.

 مع ما يقرب من ثلاثة عقود من الخبرة في مجال هجرة الاستثمار ، يتم تصنيف برنامج الجنسية عن طريق الاستثمار في دومينيكا باستمرار على أنه الأفضل في العالم من خلال CBI Index (مؤشر برنامج المواطنة عن طريق الاستثمار) السنوي. يتيح البرنامج للأفراد الأثرياء والمعالين الإضافيين أن يصبحوا مواطنين في الدولة من خلال الاستثمار في أحد الصناديق الحكومية أو شراء العقارات المعتمدة مسبقًا. يخضع مقدمو الطلبات بعد ذلك لفحوصات مشددة تخص العناية الواجبة للتأكد من أن الأشخاص ذوي الشخصية المتميزة فقط يصبحون مواطنين. بمجرد اجتياز هذه الفحوصات، يحصل المتقدمون على إيصال الجنسية ويتقدمون للحصول على جواز سفرهم الثاني. توافد المواطنون والمغتربون من الشرق الأوسط أو المقيمون فيه، وخاصة من الإمارات العربية المتحدة، إلى دومينيكا لعقود في إطار برنامج المواطنة الاقتصادية بسبب قدرتها على تحمل التكاليف وطول عمرها وهيكلها العائلي الذي يمكّن المتقدمين من إضافة قائمة واسعة من المعالين إلى تطبيق.

كونك مواطنًا دومينيكيًا يعني تمتعك بكم هائل من الفرص مثل زيادة التنقل العالمي إلى أكثر من 140 دولة وإقليم، وآفاق تجارية بديلة في ديمقراطية مستقرة، وبشكل ملحوظ، القدرة على نقل الجنسية إلى الأجيال القادمة.

الاتصال: +447867942505، pr@csglobalpartners.com، www.csglobalpartners.com

Deputy Speaker of Shura Council Receives President of the Independent Democratic Union and Senator of the Republic of Chile

Riyadh, Deputy Speaker of the Shura Council Dr. Mishaal bin Fahm Al-Salami received here today the President of the Independent Democratic Union and Senator of the Republic of Chile Jacqueline Rysselberghe, and her accompanying delegation, currently visiting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

During the meeting, which took place in the presence of Assistant Speaker of the Shura Council Dr. Hanan bint Abdulrahim Al-Ahmadi, and Secretary General Mohammed bin Dakhil Al-Mutairi, Dr. Al-Salami stressed the depth of the Saudi-Chilean relations, looking forward to promoting and strengthening them in various fields, especially in the field of parliamentary relations between the two chambers, pointing to the importance exchanging parliamentary visits, and holding periodic meetings between parliamentary friendship committees of the two chambers.

For her part, Rysselberghe affirmed the importance of promoting the bilateral relations between the two countries and strengthening the friendship between the Chilean Parliament and the Shura Council to contribute to strengthening the joint bilateral action.

During the meeting, the Chilean delegation expressed full support for and solidarity with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in defending its territories, civilian objects and oil facilities against terrorist attacks.

The two sides also discussed a number of issues of interest and reviewed bilateral cooperation relations in various economic, commercial and cultural fields, and ways to enhance them.

The meeting was attended by Chairman of the Saudi-Chilean Friendship Committee Dr. Ibrahim Al-Nahhas, Deputy Chairman of the Committee Major General Omar Al Al-Sheikh and other members of the committee.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Shura Parliamentary Friendship Committees Meet with UK and Pakistani Ambassadors Respectively

Riyadh, Chaired by its Chairman Dr. Ghazi bin Faisal bin Zagr, the Saudi-British Parliamentary Friendship Committee, an affiliate of the Shura Council, held a meeting here today with the Ambassador of the United Kingdom to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Neil Crompton, in the presence of members of the committee.

During the meeting, Dr. bin Zagr pointed to the bilateral relations between the two friendly countries, stressing the importance of supporting them in various fields, highlighting the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s role in combating terrorism and violence as well as its efforts to spread tolerance and dialogue among different religions and cultures.

For his part, the UK Ambassador to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia pointed to the importance of the relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Kingdom, noting to the level of development in the two countries in the past five years in various fields.

During the meeting, they discussed issues of common interest, especially the parliamentary relations between the Shura Council and the House of Commons of the United Kingdom, and activating the role of the parliamentary friendship committees in the two chambers to enhance the common interests of the two countries.

Later, the Saudi-Pakistani Parliamentary Friendship Committee, an affiliate of the Shura Council, chaired by its Chairman Eng. Abbas bin Ahmed Hadi, met here today with newly-appointed Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Lieutenant General Bilal Akbar, in the presence of members of the committee.

Hadi stressed the importance of the fraternal relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Pakistan, especially at the parliamentary level between the Shura Council and the Pakistani Parliament.

For his part, the Pakistani Ambassador to the Kingdom pointed to the historical relations between the two countries, hoping that they will be strengthened and developed in various fields, especially the economic, investment and commercial fields, as Pakistan welcomes Saudi investors and businessmen.

During the meeting, they reviewed the aspects of the bilateral relations between the two countries, and discussed a number of issues of common interest, especially the parliamentary relations between the two chambers, and ways to advance the efforts of the parliamentary friendship committees in the two countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency

Saudi Arabia, Greece Co-sign Coastal, Maritime Tourism Agreement

Athens, Minister of Tourism Ahmed Al-Khateeb and his Greek counterpart Harry Theoharis have co-signed an agreement on cooperation in the domain of sustainable coastal and maritime tourism.

The ceremony took place on the sidelines of the Conference on Coastal and Maritime Tourism in Athens.

The agreement includes knowledge exchange, the best practice in the domain of investment, human capital upgrading, training, organizing activities, marketing, and promoting coastal and maritime tourism in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Greece.

Source: Saudi Press Agency