Today’s Newspapers follow the celebration of Iraqi Press Day and the reactions to the American abuse of the Iraqi judiciary

Today, Monday, July 1, newspapers published in Baghdad focused on the central celebration of Iraqi Press Day and the reactions to the American abuse of the Iraqi judiciary, and other issues, including the controversy over amending the salary scale.

Regarding the Press Day celebration, Al-Zawraa newspaper, which is published by the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, focused on Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani’s assertion that the government has worked to provide a safe environment that ensures journalists can perform their role without harassment or abuse.

Al-Zawraa indicated that Al-Sudani, in a speech he delivered at the celebration, recalled the martyrs of the Iraqi press, who were executed by the dictatorial regime, or who became martyrs due to terrorism and during the liberation battles against the terrorist ISIS gangs. He also recalled the martyrs of the press in Gaza, the resistance, who through their sacrifices, the brutal aggression and massacres against our steadfast Palestinian people were expose

The Prime Minister expressed the government’s keenness to provide decent livelihoods for journalists, stressing that he directed two weeks ago to allocate a plot of land to establish a vertical residential complex for the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate, within the land of Jawharat Baghdad residential project, in Al-Zanbaraniya area in Al-Rashid district, south of the capital. He also indicated the approval of the Council of Ministers on the draft law on the right to obtain information.

The newspaper referred to what Acting Speaker of the House of Representatives, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, said during his attendance at the National Press Day celebration: ‘The media and the press are a major partner in achieving security, political stability, and the progress that our country is currently witnessing,’ calling on the journalistic family to adhere to its noble roles and strive to strengthen the relationship between society and state institutions. .

Al-Mandalawi renewed the House of Representatives’ support for the
media by enacting legislation that provides legal immunity for professional work and the right to obtain information, pointing out the need to support the rights and care of the families of martyred and wounded Iraqi journalists.

Al-Zawraa focused on the statement of the head of the Iraqi Journalists Syndicate and President of the Federation of Arab Journalists, Muayyad Al-Lami: ‘The General Secretariat of the Federation of Arab Journalists met and took important decisions, especially regarding the Palestinian people and the victims of the war on Gaza and the destruction of infrastructure.’

Al-Lami added: ‘The decisions called for going to international courts and filing complaints against the Zionist entity, as those present agreed to send a strongly worded message to the European Union regarding its silence regarding the Palestinian issue.’

He pointed out, “Iraq received dozens of wounded Palestinians, which is a must,” praising the Prime Minister’s role in opening Iraq’s borders to Palestine and the wou
nded, in addition to sending aid.

He thanked the Prime Minister for the support of Iraqi journalists, the most recent of which was the allocation of an amount for the treatment of journalists, as direct action was made with the Nuns’ Hospital (al-Rahebat), and the movement is underway to reach an agreement with two other hospitals in this regard. He called for amending the Journalists’ Retirement Fund Law and taking it into consideration.

Regarding the American abuse of the Iraqi judiciary, Al-Sabah newspaper, which is published by the Iraqi Media Network, published an article under the title ‘Further than Faiq Zaidan and more dangerous,’ written by the writer Ahmed Abdel Hussein, in which he said: ‘Dangerous, even very dangerous, is the statement of the American Congressman, Mike Waltz, in which he vowed to submit a draft resolution to punish the Iraqi judiciary, represented by the President of the Supreme Judicial Council, Faiq Zaidan.

Al-Zaman newspaper focused on the controversy over amending the salar
y scale, and the employees’ position on it.

In this regard, it said: ‘Employees have given up hope of amending the salary scale after the confirmation of Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani. The matter required reviewing 34 laws related to public sector employees.’

Source: National Iraqi News Agency