Day: November 6, 2022

Press Releases

‫غلوبال تايمز: توطيد العلاقات الحديدية بين الصين وباكستان؛ مشاريع CPEC الرئيسية تتقدم على أنها “BRI ، التحديث الصيني يفيد الجميع”

بكين، 5 نوفمبر 2022 / PRNewswire / — أجرى الرئيس الصيني شي جين بينغ محادثات مع رئيس الوزراء الباكستاني الزائر محمد شباز شريف في قاعة الشعب الكبرى في بكين، وشريف هو أحد قادة العالم الذين زاروا الصين مباشرة بعد اختتام المؤتمر الوطني العشرين للحزب الشيوعي الصيني ( CPC ). وقال شي إن الصين على استعداد […]


A young man was killed and 4 students were injured in two separate accidents in Diyala

Baquba A young man was shot dead with a hunting rifle and four students were injured in two separate incidents in Diyala Governorate.A security source told the correspondent of the National Iraqi News Agency (NINA) that a young man in his twenties was …


The Minister of Interior directs mobilizing efforts to control the commercial complex fire in Al-Waziriyah

Baghdad Minister of Interior, Abdul Amir Al-Shammari, directed all the Ministry’s efforts to mobilize to control the fire that broke out in the commercial complex in Al-Waziriyah area.A statement by his office stated that this came during his presidenc…


The House of Representatives begins the first reading of the draft Federal Civil Service Law

Baghdad The House of Representatives, in its session held today, Sunday, began the first reading of the draft federal civil service law.Source: National Iraqi News Agency


The Civil Defense completely extinguishes the fire in Al-Waziriyah warehouses

Baghdad The Civil Defense Directorate announced that Al-Waziriyah warehouses fire had been completely extinguished.The Civil Defense also launched searches for the missing in the Waziriyah fire, with the participation of specialized teams.Source: Natio…


Three candidates formally apologize for taking the constitutional oath

Baghdad The Presidency of the House of Representatives has received official requests from three candidates, including their apologies for taking the constitutional oath, to fill the parliamentary seats in the current legislative session, as replacemen…


The Minister of Oil confirms his support for building a new fleet to transport crude oil and refined products around the world

Baghdad Deputy Prime Minister for Energy Affairs and Minister of Oil Hayan Abdul-Ghani affirmed the Ministry’s keenness to support the work of the Iraqi Oil Tankers Company and to resume its activity in maritime transport of crude oil and not to reduce…


The Prime Minister approves the resignation request submitted by the Head of the National Investment Commission

Baghdad Prime Minister Muhammad Shiaa Al-Sudani has approved the resignation request submitted by the head of the National Investment Commission, Suha Dawood Al-Najjar.His media office said in a statement, “The Prime Minister directed the concerned age…