Al-Mandalawi offers his condolences to the families of the martyrs in the terrorist attacks of Kirkuk and Diyala

Baghdad The First Deputy Speaker of Parliament, Mohsen Al-Mandalawi, offered condolences to the families of the martyrs in the attack on the Riyadh district in Kirkuk and the village of Albu Bali in Diyala.

Al-Mandalawi said in a statement: “We offer our sincere sympathy and solace to the families of the martyrs in the attack on the Riyadh district in Kirkuk, as well as the village of Albu Bali in Diyala, and we pray for the wounded to recover.”

Al-Mandalawi called on the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces to quickly confront and clear these areas from the remnants of the terrorist ISIS, pursue them, and inflict fair retribution on everyone who intend to harm the citizens.

Source: National Iraqi News Agency