Arab Parliament Calls on UN Security Council to Intervene to Stop Israeli Aggression Against Palestinians

Cairo: The Arab Parliament said that peoples around the world have become more aware and take action to defend the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people, subjected to continuous massacres, war crimes, genocide, and ethnic cleansing by the occupying entity since last October against Palestinian civilians.

On the 76th anniversary of the Nakba, the Arab Parliament called on the UN Security Council to assume its responsibilities and intervene immediately to stop the Israeli aggression against the Palestinian people, ensure international protection for unarmed civilians in all Palestinian territories, and abandon its double standards, which allows the law of the jungle to prevail and undermine the value and role of international law.

The Arab Parliament renewed its support for the Palestinian people’s right to gain its inalienable and legitimate rights, foremost among which the right of return and the right to establish an independent Palestinian state with East Jerusalem as its capital.

Source: Saudi Pr
ess Agency