Global Warming, Deforestation, Fires Combined Could Hasten Amazon Demise: Study

A study published in Nature warns that South America’s Amazon rainforest faces collapse due to climate change-driven droughts, heatwaves, deforestation, and fires.

The researchers estimated that 10% to 47% of Amazon’s current forest cover will face these combined stressors by 2050.

Ecologist Bernardo Flores of the University of Santa Catarina in Brazil, lead author of the report said that it is time to declare a ‘red alert’ for the Amazon, the world’s largest tropical rainforest.

With warming temperatures, the rainforest is gradually transforming into savannah, increasing the risk of wildfires. Researchers stress the interconnected threats posed by climate change and human activities like deforestation.

Currently, 18% of the rainforest has been destroyed, and if deforestation rates continue, the entire forest could transition to savannah.

Source: Oman News Agency