KSrelief Inaugurates 6 Solar-Powered Water Wells Project in Nigeria

Abuja, The King Salman Humanitarian Aid and Relief Center (KSrelief), in cooperation with a civil society organization, launched a project on Thursday to drill 6 solar-powered medium-depth water wells in Kwara State in the Federal Republic of Nigeria, benefiting 30,000 individuals. The depth of each well is 80 meters and above, and they are equipped with tanks with a capacity of 5,000 liters.

The beneficiaries expressed their sincere thanks to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, represented by the KSrelief, for this vital project, which will contribute to meeting their necessary water needs.

This is in line with the humanitarian and relief projects provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia through its humanitarian arm, the KSrelief, to support the water sector and create a healthy environment in needy countries.

Source: Saudi Press Agency