OIC General Secretariat expresses solidarity with Nigeria over devastating floods.

Following the devastating floods that have caused the death of hundreds people, displaced many others and wreaked havoc in many States of Nigeria, the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) expresses its deep solidarity with the Government and the people of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.

The OIC General Secretariat presents its heartfelt condolences to the families of the deceased and offers its deep sympathy to the displaced and other victims of the worst floods in a decade in Nigeria.

While commending the urgent relief and protection measures taken by the Nigerian Government to face the adverse consequences of the floods, the OIC General Secretariat calls on its financial Institutions, donor Member States and international partners to extend urgently all possible humanitarian assistance to Nigeria.

The OIC will strive towards the mobilization of further support to help Nigeria in its recovery efforts.

Source: Organisation of Islamic Cooperation