
UNESCO: We Are Committed To And Encourage Freedom Of The Press, And We Look Forward To Working With Iraqi Journalists

UNESCO office in Iraq’s has confirmed its aspiration to work with journalists to ensure a basic implementation of the mechanism for protecting journalists, the process of not impunity, and reducing the targeting of journalists.

UNESCO Ambassador to Iraq Paolo Fontani said, during the celebration of World Press Freedom Day, today, Wednesday, “We meet today to work on exchanging views and other concepts, so without this democracy there is nothing, but it is only a basic shadow.”

He added, “This global annual celebration is a refinement of the future of freedom of the press to be with other rights, so this day reminds us of the main challenge facing freedom of the press, and no one is aware of these challenges, which also include freedom of journalists and access to information, and today is also an opportunity to enhance key recommendations for important discussions.

He continued: “Today and this year marks the 27th anniversary of the Human Rights Declaration, and we discuss freedom of expression as a cornerstone for achieving human freedom, which is a fundamental matter, and it will continue to be closely monitored. Likewise, today we discuss the basic role of freedom of expression in all these years, and there are several events that we carried out in last February in UNESCO and some basic points for electronic platforms.

He explained: “There are also discussions that we held around the countries of the world related to freedom of opinion and the press, and this matter is a basic element and motive for the exchange of basic information and technological progress.”

The UNESCO ambassador pointed out: “The importance of this event is outside the framework of the media community and is related to other activities included in the United Nations agenda, which we will work on. This is also an opportunity to highlight this importance in refining the future and stressing the need for solidarity efforts that preserve and enhance this basic right.”

He stressed: “We, in UNESCO, are proud of this thing, and to be part of you as we commit and encourage freedom of the press, and we can see that there is a step in the right field and we are proud of the basic points that have been strengthened and confirmed by the digital unit and the basic reports of Iraqi women journalists, which are basic achievements we are proud of and we recognize these rights, and for there to be a mechanism to protect journalists and for there to be no impunity, and we look forward to issuing a decree from the Prime Minister to make this mechanism sustainable.”

Source: National Iraqi News Agency