The arrest of “Abu Tabar” east of Baghdad

Baghdad, Detachments of the Anti-Crime Directorate arrested an accused of beheading a girl and burning it in Baghdad.

A statement by the Directorate stated: “The detachments of the People’s Office for Combating Crime arrested the criminal nicknamed “Abu Tabar” for committing the crime of killing a girl and separating her head from her body in the Seven Qusour area, east of Baghdad.

The statement clarified: “The arrest process took place after information was available about the existence of a murder incident. After investigating and collecting information with great and distinguished effort, it resulted in reaching the suspect and arresting him in Sadr City. When conducting an investigation with him, he openly admitted that he had slaughtered the girl, cut off her head and burned it with the intention of concealing the features.” .

Source: National Iraqi News Agency